Chapter 4: Party Night

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Chapter 4: Party Night

Okay so, I’m skipping some time here, so I’ll give you a brief summary. Chresanto respected my wishes, and he dropped me off and never spoke to me again. He also did what he said he would do and he broke up with Leilani. She, of course, was crushed (and still is) and cried for numerous days, saying that she loved him and that she should have listened to him in the first place (apparently he warned her that he was going to hurt her eventually). She was depressed for the next few days but she’s gotten slightly better. It’s also been 2 weeks, so that means Craig’s party was upon us.

Also, Rayan had been bothering me lately; he kept trying to pressure me into having sex with him. I didn’t want to and he was always pushing me harder and harder every time we fooled around, so I eventually just stopped inviting him over and kept our kisses down to quick pecks. He grew angrier every time I did this. I never did agree to be one of his backup dancers, and that just pissed him off even more. In fact, he was constantly angry at me, saying things like, “You’d bang Leilani’s boyfriend but you hardly look at me. Ok.” under his breath. Or other things such as, “I bet if Chresanto asked you to dance for him you’d do it free of charge.” It was really pissing me off.  I don’t let anyone talk to me like that. But It also confused me. How the heck did he know I liked Chresanto? (notice the “ed” at the end of like!!) it seemed fishy, but I was too scared to even ask.

Anyways, that’s all that has happened in a couple of weeks. Back to the present.

I was chilling at my place alone when I heard the key click at the front door. What was Lani doing back home so early? I watched as Chresanto opened the door and tossed the key back in the plants. He shut the front door behind him.

“What the h-“

“Relax. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need to be.” He said. I expected him to sound bitter or angry but he only sounded amused. Like always.

“How do you keep getting into my apartment???”

“I know where your spare key is. Duh.” He said jokingly. It had been a while since I had seen him.

“What are you here for? I said, closing the magazine I was reading at the bar-styled kitchen counter.

“Jacob sent me here for some key to a closet at the club Craig is having his party at. The mics are in it and we’re rehearsing.”

“What? How do you know Jacob and Craig?” I asked in shock. He was going to the party? It was tonight.

“I’ve known Jacob since we were little kids and I met Craig when Jacob came and asked me to rap as part of the performance tonight.”

Crap, he was performing there too?

“It’s in an envelope on my dresser.” I said, going back to my book. I didn’t want to talk to him anymore.

He walked back to my room and came back a few moments later with the envelope in hand. “I got it.” He said, stopping directly behind me.

“Great. Bye.” I didn’t turn away from my magazine.

“That’s all I get?” He scoffed.  I didn’t say anything in return. I felt him closer behind me and he started rubbing my shoulders. “I miss you.” He said in a low tone. I tried not to blush. I simply shrugged his hands off of my skin. He didn’t touch me this time, but he leaned in and whispered in my ear. “It hurts when you ignore me baby girl.” He said. It sent a chill down my spine. I turned around quickly and he backed his face up quickly and had a smirk on his face. I gave him a blank look and walked back to my bedroom and shut the door. I let out the large breath I was holding in. I missed him so much :(. But I really wasn’t willing to lose my best friend of years over some boy that was probably gonna cheat on me anyways.

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