Chapter 6: Spare Key

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A/N: here's another reminder for you guys to answer the question at the end of le chapterrrr k! k. 

Chapter 6: Spare Key

I scoffed and got on my phone. I didn't understand him AT ALL. First he wants to seduce me while going out with my bestfriend. Then, he makes me like him and wants me to go out with him. I tell him I can't, and he tells me that he feels a connection blah blah blah. I piss him off and he claims he's done with me. Then, he comes to my rescue, doing things like calling me babygirl and kissing my forehead. And now we are sitting here, and he basically tells me that he has moved on and he just wants to be my friend?? What the actual??? 

A few minutes later I saw out of the corner of my eye Rayan get up out of his chair and walk towards the vending machine. He got a coke and stopped in front of me. I heard Chresanto shuffle in his seat, and can also see his fists balled up. He looked straight ahead, not changing his expression.

"Melanie, can we please just talk about the other day. Please."

"Really? Right now? Do you want the no or do you want the hell no."


"Leave me alone Rayan."

He bent down, resting his hands on the arms of my chair. "I think we should talk." He says through clenched teeth. I looked him straight in the eyes, staring him down.

"She said leave her alone." Chresanto spoke up, giving Ray a death glare.  

"I don't think I was talking to you." He scoffed and stood straight up.

Chresanto stood up. Oh no...

"Well I was talking to you." He smiled. His fists were still clenched up at his sides. Rayan noticed this and chuckled.

"What are you going to do? Punch me?" He said and put his hands out to push Chris. 

"Back off man." Chresanto smacked his hand down and pushed him. At this point, they were causing a scene. Lani came over there. 

"Really you two? Really?" Lani said, pushing them both away from each other. They never even broke their little stare down they were having.

"I'm gonna go get something out of my car real quick." He said solemnly and walked out slowly. 

"You, you need to go." Lani said to Ray as she shoved him from behind. "I don't even know why I asked you to come it was a mistake." She said angrily. Oop. Looks like their little affair turned out to mean nothing. I couldn't help but be pleased at that little fact.

"Fine. I don't wanna be here with the two biggest sluts anyways." He looked at both of us and left. Leilani turned towards me. "I'm so sorry, i don't even know why  I invited him I just though-" 

"Leilani." I put my hand up. "Just... just stop with the sorries." I said, not able to handle anymore of the both of them in one day. Plus, I had also remembered she told me she was all alone at the hospital which was a lie. She was so full of it, and that made me even more pissed at her. "I'm gonna check on Chris." I grabbed my bag and walked down. 

I walked outside to the parking lot and found him tossing his keys leaning on his car. I walked over towards him and leaned on his car next to him. He looked really steamed. I wasn't sure if he was the type of person who liked to be consoled, or the type of person who liked to be joked with at a time like this.

I took my chances.

"You're cute when you're mad." I nudged him in the shoulder and smiled. I held my breath, unsure what he would do.

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