Chapter 19: A Deal

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Chapter 19: A Deal

His eyes were cold and unforgiving and they were staring straight at me. I felt every bone in my body go stiff. He turned and left without saying another word.

And then Chris turned to face me, his face looked grave. He quickly guided me over to the car and I got in. He shut my door and went to talk to Jacob. Through the glass, I couldn’t quite hear what they were saying but they were arguing about something. As soon as I opened my door to hear they stopped talking and Chris walked over to the car and started it.

“What the hell was that?” I said as we drove off, referring to whatever the hell it was that just happened in the past few minutes. It really felt like seconds.

“God Melanie, I’m so sorry. All of this is entirely my fault, really.” He said. There was a tone of sadness in his voice that I hadn’t heard before, not even when he was admitting that he cheated on me.

“Chris can you please just tell me what’s going on?” I said, my voice shaking. I hadn’t even realized I was shaking until I spoke.

“We’re going home now, I need to figure things out.”

“Figure what out exactly.”

“Do you not get what just happened? Rayan threatened you. Not me, not us, you. He’s gonna try to do something to you and it’s my fucking fault.” His anger was rising. “Dammit!” He yelled and hit the steering wheel.

“Okay, first, calm down. Why would he want to do something to hurt me? I didn’t do anything to him I don’t get it.”

He sighed. “Melanie, he it’s not even that you did anything. He’s pissed at me, he wants to destroy me. And he knows in order to do that, he has to hurt you. I can’t fucking believe I let it get this far.”

“Chris, you didn’t do something to his car did you?”

His head snapped in my direction. His expression was wild and lost. “What? No! You really think I’m that stupid, that I would provoke him in any way?! Really!?”

“Please calm down.” I said in a calm voice.

“I can’t fucking calm down!”

“None of this is making any sense to me, Chris. It’s really not. If you didn’t do anything to his car-“

“It doesn’t even matter! He thinks I did and that was all the motivation he needed to tear me down! Dammit!” He hit the steering wheel again and the horn went off.


“WHAT?!” He yelled at me and I jumped. I was so confused about this whole thing, and I wanted answers. What happened to Raylani? What happened to Ray’s truck? How did Chris even know about them breaking off and I didn’t? And more importantly, how the hell did Rayan even know where we were?

He noticed my flinch and sighed again. “Shit, I’m sorry Melanie. It’s just that this is serious, and it’s all my fault and I don’t know how to fix it. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I mess up every fucking thing I touch.” We were pulling up in the apartment complex. Damn, had Chris really been driving that fast? It took us 30 minutes just to get there but about half that to get back.

He let out a deep breath and rested his head on the steering wheel. I touched his back and he immediately straightened up, causing me to jerk my hand away.

“It’s all my fault. This is my fault. It’s always my fault. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit. Dammit.” He was whispering to himself. He was breaking down right in front of me. I had never seen him like this, and I never wanted to see this again.

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