Chapter 1: The New Boyfriend

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Chapter 1: The New Boyfriend

I woke up earlier than I wanted to for no reason at all, and I was pretty upset about that.

I sat up and wiped the sleep out of my eyes. All of a sudden, I heard this loud knock at my apartment door. I checked the clock. 8 am? Now who on earth would be at my door at 8 am? I hardly ever woke up before noon. Even my boyfriend wouldn't bother me before then. 

I walked cautiously towards the door, afraid of who it may be. I picked up my fathers baseball bat I kept in my room for self defense, since I lived in a sort of risky neighborhood. I walked slowly, (feeling a little stupid) towards the door, holding the baseball bat with both hands. I looked through the peep-hole and let out a sigh of relief. It was my bestfriend, Leilani. She was waiting impatiently outside, constantly knocking with a suitcase in her hand. Uh oh.

I opened the door, sheilding my eyes from the blinding sunlight outside. I slept in my underwear, so the heat hit my skin and felt nice. 

"Lani, what the hell are you doing here so early?" I said, my voice cracking from sleepiness. She barged past me, setting down her over-stuffed suitcase down by the door. "And what is that?"

She gave me The Smile. Not just any smile, but The Smile. The Smile that meant she wanted something. "My mother doesn't want me in the house anymore. She says that me and my new boyfriend..." She chuckled a little bit to herself. "Look, I just need a place to stay. And I know that you have an extra bedroom." 

She inched closer to me, giving me the puppy dog face. "Come on, Mel. Please?" She said, shooting me all these different puppy dog faces. I didn't really care, as long as she didn't bother me when I didn't want to be bothered. "Sure fine whatever. I'm going back to sleep." I said sleepily and walked back to my room, shutting the door behind me and flopping back onto the bed.


When I woke up, I heard laughter. Not like funny laughter, more like seductive giggles. I opened my door and walked in the living room to see Lani on my couch with who I assumed to be her boyfriend on top of her, tickling her stomach. I almost threw up in my mouth.

I cleared my throat loud enough for them to hear me. He hopped off of her and stood up quickly, looking away at first, but then sizing me up. He smirked. He didn't have a shirt on and he was all sweaty and muscular, so I have to admit that I was looking too, because he wasn't all that bad. In fact, he was pretty fine. 

I didn't have a chance to do anymore looking, because Leilani stood up quickly too, fixing her clothes. After I snapped out of it, I realized all these boxes of her crap was scattered all in my living room. And after that realization, I also remembered that I slept in my underwear, and was standing exposed to her boyfriend. But that wasn't really an issue for me. "Lani, what is all this crap?" I asked, trying to cover myself up but was failing miserably. I could see her boyfriend looking at me with a smirk across his face.

"I'm sorry Mel! Chris here was helping me move all my things in.. you said I could move in remember?" She said.

"I remember saying you could move into my extra room, not the living room."

"I'll have it cleaned up by the end of today. I promise." She said, trying to sound convincing. I just rolled my eyes and went back to my room to get dressed.

I didn't realize Lani had followed me until I heard the door close behind me, knowing that I hadn't closed it myself. I spun around. "Lani.. what?" I said, scanning the room for clothes I could wear.

"Look, Chresanto is hot, I know. Insanely hot. He's also mine." She said, putting emphasis on the word "mine." Uh oh, I was gonna get the talk. "We've been through a lot together, Melanie. And I do mean a lot. And by now I know how you operate.. but you have Ray now okay? And I really like Chris... so try not to steal him away too please." She said, grabbing my wrists.

"Lani, I don-"

She chuckled, cutting me off. Rude. "Sure Mel. look, I know you. Don't even bother trying to pretend like you don't think he his attractive. But seriously, if you take this one away from me too... I don't know if I'll be able to forgive you this time." She said, letting go of my wrists and walking out of the room. That was a big mistake. If she really knew me, then she would know that the more unavailable a guy is, the more I want him. So this little warning didn't really help at all. In fact, it was only gonna  make things worse. 


A few days later, Leilani had cleared up all of her crap and I could use the tv in my living room again. We were all (as in me, Lani and Chresanto, who hung around a lot) sitting watching tv, and then Lani's phone rang. I paused our show and when I looked over Chresanto was grinning at me behind Leilani's back. He was so damn sexy. I looked away quickly as Lani got off the phone. She looked at me. "I've got to go, my mother needs her meds picked up from the pharmacy." 

"I'll drive you." Chresanto said, standing up. Lani stood up as well and grabbed her purse. I'll be in the car while you put some clothes on." She said, referring to his naked chest. She gave me a look that said she trusted me to be in the house alone with him.. even it was just a few minutes. She was telling me that this was the first test.  Bad idea, because I've never been a good test taker.  Especially since the moment the door closed behind her, Chris sat back down on the couch next to me. I focused on the tv.. trying to tell myself that I had a boyfriend. Only, now he was so close to me I could feel his body heat on my skin. I could see through peripheral vision that he was looking at me, grinning.

"Chresanto..." I said, not looking at him. 

"Call me Chris." He said, and leaned in to kiss my neck. I didn't stop him.. because... because well it felt good! But I came to my senses... a little slower than I maybe should have. I slapped him and stood up. 

"Um, what the hell are you doing!?" I said, rubbing my neck.

He chuckled, as if this was one big joke. "I was seducing you!" He said through his laughter.

"I know that idiot! Why! You have a girlfriend. My best friend to be clear."

"And? That's never stopped me before. And from what Lani tells's never stopped you either."

I scoffed at his comment. "Get out. Leilani is waiting for you in the car." I rolled my eyes.

Man, this new boyfriend was gonna be a problem. 


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