Chapter 8: Bad News

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Chapter 8: Bad News

After that day, a few days passed before I really talked to anyone. A few hours after I got back to my apartment, Chresanto had texted me to make sure that I was okay and if I'd got home safely. I called Jacob and asked him about Leilani. He said that she  was staying with Bre, since she couldn't stand to stay in her mothers house. Other than that, not much had happened.

I was sitting alone on the couch a few days later (around 9 o clock) drinking hot cocoa (it was mid-november but it was already getting cold) watching some Christmas movie on t.v. I can't say what it was about because to be honest, I wasn't paying attention to it. I kept thinking about...well life. There was a soft knock at the door. I got up, a little afraid of who it may be. I looked through the peephole and it was, of course, Chris.

"Um.. hey what are you doing here?" I said, shocked to see him. 

"May I come in?" He said all politely. Awww lol

"Uh sure." I said wrapping my blanket around myself. It was cold outside. He came in and I shut the door behind him. "Do you want some hot chocolate?" I asked. 

"No that's okay. I came over here to talk to you." 

 Talk to me? Oh lord. With him that could mean a large amount of things. "Umm talk about wh-" 

"Just-" He interrupted and grabbed my arm and lead me over to my couch and sat us both down. "I want to talk about our relationship." He said in one of the most serious tones I had ever heard him use. 

My stomach did a backflip. What? I wasn't good at talking about those things! "I thought we were just friends." I said and tried to keep my cool.

"Well.. that's the thing. I don't want to be just friends with you anymore." He said. Awwwe, I knew it :) "I was wrong for even trying to do that. I shut you down even though I was the one who first started everything. And then I kissed you and... well.. it wasn't right for me to do that to you. Or myself. I just wanted to say I'm sorry."  He apologized. Aww he being was so cute right now. I scooted closer to him and layed on his shoulder. 

"It's okay." I smiled, feeling happier than I had since *ahem* that day.

"Sooooo... I was wondering if you wanted to go steady with me." He asked as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me closer to him. lol, who even says that anymore?  

"Of course I would." I smiled in reply. I mean, we were around each other so much we were pretty much already together.   "But..." He said.. oh dear. "When I'm serious about a girl, I do want her to be able to be open with me, Mel." 

My stomach did more flips inside when I heard him say that to me. Oh boy, the things he does to my heart <3 "You're serious about me?" I looked up at him and smiled, completely ignoring his accusation of me not being open enough. His cheeks turned red.   "Well.. I mean.. yea." He tried to play it off as if I should have already known that. "You're missing the point, Melanie. I want you to be able to tell me anything. Vice versa of course, but ... You know what I mean?"   "I can. I'm just not good at that kind of thing yet." I said, still not being able to hold back the smile that had been plastered on my face since he got here.   

He kissed my forehead. "It's okay, we'll work on it babygirl." He smiled back. Yep. I loved him. And "love" wasn't exactly a term I used too often.   I layed there with his arm wrapped around me, my cheeks hurting from the large smile I couldn't get off of my face. But then I thought about how when Lani and Chris broke up how Lani said Chris told her from the very beginning he was going to wind up hurting her... "Chris," I sat up. "You aren't going to hurt me, are you? Because if you are-"    He chuckled, "Relax Mel. I can't even imagine hurting you. In fact.. I've been waiting a while to be able to officially do this....." He said and stroked my cheek with his thumb. He was looking into my eyes and then down at my lips, so I knew he was getting ready to kiss me. As he leaned in slowly, I thought about how this would be our first kiss as.. well as a couple, and I wondered if it would be any different then all the other times we had kissed each other.  

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