Part 28

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Heyy guys, sorry for not updating so long :(, I had zero inspiration to write but hopeflly I'll be able to finish this book soon
So in order to finish this book sooner and concentrate on others that I have more fun writing I'll be jumping ahead a few years to Amia's birthday...

-...Happy birthday my sleeping princess-Zayn whispered softly to Amia's ear.

She fluttered her eyelids open and smiled to him.Her 18 birthday was today, and since she became known as the Kings favorite there will be a feast in the castle and a special party on which everyone's invited.

-Open up, love birds!-Kyra slammed her fist on the wodden door.As Amia's sister and Niall's fiance she was in a pretty good position herself.

Zayn growled before jumping and opening the door to the energetic witch.

-You still aren't up?!-Kyra shrieked.-I know it's your birthday but you need to help me out to decorate the great hall for the party!-

-That's on Sunday Kyra, and it's Wednesday today...-Amia said sleepily.

Noticing the glass of water on the nightstand next to Amia.With an evil smirk she motioned her hands towards with the water and splashed Amia right in the face not moving an inch from the spot she was standing at.Amia shrieked at her sister jumping out of the bed.

-You will so pay for that!-Amia growled with a glint of a smile on her face.

Without looking at the pillow she sent both of them on Kyra ripping them in mid flight so Kyras mouth filled with feathers.

Coughing out the feathers, suddenly the sheats flew and wrapped around Amia making her flop down on the floor in a mess of covers always moving and making it impossible to get out of the mess.

Of course Amia wasn't any ordinary human so she used her powers and freezed it, tumbling out she sent the freezed sheets towards Kyra.

An arm emerged from the wet puddle of covers and a barely audible voice called out.-Truce!-

Giggling Amia stumbled to her sister grabbing her outstretched hand and pulling her out of the sheets.Still holding hands they started fixing things up drying everything wet and making the bed.

Zayn, who sensed danger the moment Kyra splashed Amia, was staring at them shaking his head and smiling.


The other slaves weren't happy but they had to attend the feast as it was necessary.Brianna and Perry were excused as it was understood that they did not enjoy seeing Zayn and Amia together.

Celeste was inivited especially fot her birthday and she had arrived two days eariler to give her gift to Amia.

-This is a very powerful potion Amia...-Celeste placed a small vial of black liquid in her hand.-It'll protect you, but beware of the consequences as they can be nasty at some times...-

After giving her her present Celeste had to leave back to S.America as something on the beach at Atlantic ocean happened that required her presence.

The feast was glorious and they all ate well and finally when it was over Zayn and Amia hurried back to their room.

-Do you remember your promise?-Amia whispered to him in the dark of the room.They didn't bother turning the lights on.

-Which one?-Zayn asked with a chuckle.

-That you wouldn't touch me until I come of age...-She whispered moving really close to him.
His eyes widened as he understood.Even though her voice was still a whisper it was clear that it trembled for a bit before continuing.-I've come of age Zayn...-

Without any warning he sealed his lips with hers wrapping her in a tight hug, not braking the kiss for the next few minutes.

-Amia...-His voice a whisper too now.-You don't have to do this you know that right?-

She nodded.-I just...I want to show you how much I love you Zayn...-

-You show me that every day by the smile that appears on your face when I wake you up, it's enough...-He placed his forehead on hers, running his fingers trough her hair.

-It doesn't feel enough for me though...I-I want this...-She pulled him closer kissing and moving towards the bed.

That night of passion she will never forget...

Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now