Part 7

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-Thank you Louis for saving her....-

-Please, it was my job Your Highness.-Louis bowed.

-Did you happen to find another human wandering around here?-Liam, the brown haired vampire asked.

-Yes I did, but since he was not a slave I decided to keep him as my apprentice...-

Ama gave a thankful look to Louis.

-You cannot do that!-Niall the blonde haired vampire that pushed her from the balcony argued.

But Zayn just shook his head.

-He will be yours Louis, that is my gift for saving Amia.-

Then the convoy left the hidden burrow.

Amia was riding with Zayn in a carriage.

-Amia....I know what happened you don't have to be afraid of me.-Zayn slowly said.

-What do you know?-Amia asked harshly since herthroat was sore.

-Well you went out to get some fresh air, when you were startled by Niall.You recognized him as the man that killed your friend so you tried to back away from him and you slipped.Niall tried to save you but you were already falling down...-

Amia sarcastically let out a sigh.

-Then would you explain to me what "really" happened.-Zayn got angry.

-You wouldn't believe me even if I told you!-Amia hissed.

-Try me...-

She glared at him.-Your blonde haired vampire friend, Niall, tried to kill me, he understood that by you not wanting to sleep with me made me worthless and he wanted to get rid of me!-

-You can't accuse Niall...-

-You wanted to hear my side of the story...-

-You're unbelievable...-


-When will they bring her back?-Kyra asked impatiently.

-They left with a convoy and a carriage, so it won't be soon...-Brianna said with a bored sigh.

-And you will take her as an apprentice as me?-Kyra asked looking at her new and more conservative clothes.

-No I can only have one apprentice, but I think Perrie would be more than pleased to take her...-

-Is she a witch like you?-

-No she's actually a kitsune...-

-A fox!-

-Yes and a very powerful one I think she has a total of 12 tails...-

-How will she teach Amia?-Kyra asked grudgingly.

-She won't I'll be teaching both of you, but it's against palace rules for the upper classes to have more than one apprentice...-

-Besides I really want to see who this new girl is...-A girl with golden hair, dressed in a long green dress showed up and filled the room with a luscious smell.

-Kyra this is Perrie, she's Zayn's first love.-Brianna explained.

-How come Zayn doesn't have any human love girl, or whatever...?-Kyra asked catching a glimpse of Perrie's big united tail.

-He finds humans boring, but we witches are much more fascinating for him...-

-I was a witch but I found that being a Kitsune is far more interesting, so I traded my witch powers for the tails of a Kitsune...-Perrie explained to the confused Kyra.


-Where are you going?-Louis asked the blonder haired human.

-I'm going to save Amia and Kyra.-Jake said.

-You'll only get yourself killed!-

-I can take care of myself...-

-No you can't, Jake you're my apprentice now, you can't go to places where you don't have my permission...-

-Watch me...-

Jake tried to exit the cottage, but as he opened the door he bumped into an invisible wall.

-That bracelet on your arm, it's enchanted, it will stop you from running away from your master....-

-So I'm your slave now!?-

-Apprentice, not a's different Jake, if you were my slave I wouldn't bother talking to you, I wouldn't bother remembering your name and I surely wouldn't bother saving your life!-

At that moment someone knocked at the door.

-Jake would you please open the door?-

Growling and reluctantly Jake opened the door.

In came a human girl with long dark hair.

-Eleanor.-Louis smiled and hugged the girl.

-Who's this?-Eleanor asked looking at Jake.

-This is my new apprentice Jake...-

She nodded and then looked at Louis.

-Are you hungry?-


-I know when you're lying Louis, you haven't eaten in weeks you must be hungry!-

-I did drink some blood from the animals...-

Jake listened to their conversation with pure despise.But what shocked him the most is how reluctant Louis was at feeding on Eleanor.

When she finally said she would cut herself he nodded and took a few sips of blood from Eleanor's wrist.

-You should rest now, to get the toxins out of your blood.-

She giggled and jumped on the bed looking lustfully at Louis.

He sighed.-Go to sleep.-

She blinked and then slowly closed her eyes.

-Was that compulsion?-Jake asked.

Louis nodded.-It's necessary.-

Jake took a deep breath.

-Will she be okay?-

-When the toxin leaves her body she will be fine...-

Jake nodded.He knew how vampire's venom can make a human crazy for a short time.


Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now