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-Kyra!-Niall shook her shoulders but she only gave a faint look as tears streamed down her face.

-Amia...-She whispered.-She's dead...-

Saying those words made her start sobbing and she would have fallen down if Niall didn't hold her.-My little sister is dead...-

-No...-Celeste showed up behind them.-I really thought you were the ones, the ones capable of bringing back peace...-

She ran towards the still crying Zayn and Amia's body as Niall took Kyra inside trying to calm her down.

-No...-Celeste crouched down to Amia.
She then grabbed the pendant around her neck and chanting a few spells destroyed it.

-What did you do?-Zayn asked through tears.

-I let her soul go, so the sisters can come back again...-She said dryly.-Zayn, we need to burn her body.-

-What?-He seemed to be shocked.

-She's a black witch, she can come back to life once her soul had bee set free, but that won't be her anymore, with no memory of her life past life she can turn in to the worst witch ever.-Celeste explained slowly.-I need to do it now Zayn, before it's too late.-

Drying his tears he nodded.He bent down kissing her on the forehead and then turned around not to watch how Celeste burnt her body.

-Goodbye Amia, I will never love anyone like I did you.-He whispered as the last tear slipped down his face.

---100 years later---

Celeste was back in North America, and was riding in the carrige with two hooded figures.

She sighed once they entered the castles grounds and passed two stone statues of the girls who were supposed to save the world.
But when one sister dies, the other follows soon, as they can not live without one another.

A hooded figure shifted looking through the window at the stone figures, but soon went back to it's usual position.

Not long after they were standing in front of the castle and taking deep breaths Celeste walked inside.

The two hooded figures followed her as she went upstairs on the familiar staircase.

She stood in front of the kings bedroom and looked at the guards.

-Announce me.-She said and the guard nodded.

He entered the room and soon came out nodding towards them but looking suspiciously at the hooded figures.

-Celeste...-King Zayn said simply sitting behind his desk.-To what do I owe the pleasure?-

-Zayn...-Celeste said seriously.-The training is complete... the world will belong to the humans again.-

-Training? What training?-Zayn asked confused.

-The sisters, they came back again.-Celeste said.

Almost as on cue both of the hooded figures took their hoods off.

Zayn gasped as he looked at the two girls, identical to Amia and Kyra.

-I'd like you to meet Gabriella,-Celeste pointed towards the girl looking like Amia.-and Elena.-
She showed towards her sister.

He wanted to jump and hug Gabriella but that was impossible. The look in her eyes was cold, she just resembled to Amia and that was it.

-You can exit.-He said to the sisters who obidiently left the room.

-Once the curses of our kinds are back, I'll present myslef to the sunligh and finally leave this world.-Zayn told Celeste.

-Zayn...-She tried reasoning with him.-I know hiding will be difficult but...-

-I'm not doing it because I hate hiding, but because I lived for too long, and I, I think of her every single day, I could have saved her you know, if I noticed I could have but...-He sighed.-It's over now, do what you need to do, and explain to everyone what happened.-

Celeste nodded and then left the room as well.

She took the sisters back to the field where the battle happened so many years ago.

They joined hands and started the chat that will end the supernarural era...


Oh my God, I finally finished it, I feel so relieved now :)

The ending wasn't supposed to be like this first but these past few months I felt like it should end with her death and that gave me inspiration to finally finish it.

Thank you all for reading, it means a lot to me <3

Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now