Part 2

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They took off Amia's blindfold as they threw her in the ship's cell.

Tears were slipping down her face as she tried to see New Zealand trough one tiny hole in her cell.But she was on the wrong side of the ship and all she could see was the blue ocean.

-Amia!-She heard a familiar voice calling her.

Turning around she saw her sister, not much older than her.

-Kyra!-Amia cried.She tried reaching her sister's hand but they were too far away from each other.She finally gave up.-What about father did they catch him too?-

By the look Kyra gave her Amia knew something was wrong.-No.-She cried.

-They only wanted me, and father got in their way so they...-

-No!!!-Amia cried.She yelled too loudly so one of the vampire guards came by her cell.

-Shut up!Or you'll regret it!-He yelled at her, and Amia had to sob in silence.

-Amia.-Kyra tried to talk to her sister but Amia was lost in her own world.

She remembered the time their mother and father were alive, she remembered the time when Tyler was alive, when her friends were alive....

Another guard passed by their cell and Kyra stopped him.

-Do you know where they're taking us?-She asked the guard.

-North America, docks for girls and South America fields for the boys.-The guard said and continued his walk.

Amia froze when she heard she was going to North America.

-No.-She whispered.She was going to the world of vampires.

Since they were travelling by a ship she assumed it would take months to arrive to North America.

But she couldn't have been more wrong.

The ship was fast and in a few days they were on the coast of South America.

The boys from the ages of 2-18 were thrown out of the ship.Some stayed, as they would be sold as slaves in Europe or Asia.

One of the vampire guards started walking from one cell to another and he threw something in to the cell.

-What is this?-Amia asked as the guard.

-Your new clothes.-

-And if I don't want to wear them?-

-You'll walk naked.-

She looked at him with despise.She then took the clothes she was given.It was a roman slave girl type of...costume.

She had only a bra and a skirt.

-You have to wear that Amia, or the will make you walk naked, and I don't think you want to do that in the middle of December.-Kyra said.She was already dressed in to that costume.

-I know I have to wear it and what do you mean by saying I don't want to walk naked in the middle of December?-

-In New Zealand in December is summer, in North America in December is winter, far worse than those pitiful rains we get in New Zealand, you'll see...-

Amia stared at her sister and then started getting dressed.

The bra suited her well, but it was the skirt that bothered her. No matter how hard she tried the skirt could never cover her entire bottom.It covered well the front side.

-I hate this skirt.-Amia said.

The ship stopped at a semi-island that was once called Florida.Now the name of that island was various, but the most common name used was Slaveholders Hole.

It was the place were the most slaves are sold.Those slaves that are not sold are sent to Australia.

Two guards came one was holding a big chain with stranger hoops on it.

The other dragged girls out of their cells and locked the hoops around their necks.They would also bind their hands.

Kyra was dragged out before Amia so she had to watch in pain as they chained her sister.

Finally they dragged her out chained her and continued to drag the girls out of the cells.

They were forbidden to talk, every time they would brake that rule and start talking they would get 5 hits with a whip.

Amia and Kyra were used as an example.

They both had at least 15 whip hits and a few very nasty cuts on their backs.

Then one of the guards came and told the other two to take them out.

-Let the show begin.-Amia mumbled, but luckily the guards didn't hear her.

As they walked out of the ship they were given a number.

Then they were escorted out of the ship and they forced them to walk trough the town.When they reached the town center an auction was just about to be finished.Three girl were left and no one wanted to buy them.

Amia assumed they were going to be sent to Australia.

-And my fellow vampires we have just received our special slaves from New Zealand.-The auction guy announced them.-How much would you give for these...virgins?-

Almost half of the vampires were shocked.Amia could see the lust in the mens eyes and the jealousy in the woman's eyes.

-Let's start with the number 49!-That was the first girl.

It was a female vampire that bought her for a ridiculously amount of money.

But as they got to Kyra and Amia no one wanted to buy them.They saw cuts on their backs and assumed they wouldn't be suitable enough as slaves.

The other girls were quickly sold and Amia and Kyra were going back to the ship.

-Halt!-Someone shouted as they stepped on the ship.

A vampire with curly hair and dark red eyes appeared in front of them.

-Master Harry...-One of the guards said

-Is this the ship that brought the slaves from New Zealand?-He asked.

-Yes master Harry they were all sold very well...-

-Not one was left?-

-Not a single one.-The guard smiled.

-We were left.-Kyra said boldly.

Master Harry looked at her and the looked back to the guard.-Is it true?-

-Well yes, no one wanted to buy them...-

-I'll buy them, they'll be going to the palace, since king Zayn wanted the New Zealand virgins.-He said.-How much do you want for them?-

-How much are you giving master Harry?-

-10 000 € for both of them.-

-At least 70 000 € for both of them...-

-I'm doing you a favour, I'll buy them off for 15 000, or you'll leave with nothing since you'll have to give them to Australia.-


-Bring them to my truck-Harry said and two other guys threw Kyra and Amia in to the back of Harry0s truck.

-Why did you tell him we weren't sold Kyra?-Amia asked her sister sadly.

-Because my job is to protect you Amia, and I knew he was a noble, and nobles are somewhat kind to their slaves...-

-Even "king Zayn"?-Amia asked.

-I don't know.-

The truck suddenly came to life and Kyra and Amia hoped something good would come out of them being taken to the palace.

Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now