Part 1

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-It has been 400 years since the supernaturals upraised from this holly ground and conquered the humans....-Professor Lewis McCarthy talked.

No one was listening very carefully since they've heard about that story a couple time now and they are not interested in it anymore.

Except for one girl...

Her name is Amia, she is 16 has long brown hair, dark brown eyes with thick eyelashes and almost prefect skin.

Every boy wanted her.Every girl was envious towards her.

But she didn't care.She had a few friends, and none of them had boyfriends.The only guy she liked never payed attention to her.

She was always carefully listening the teacher, and was always talking notes.

The professor stopped talking and looked at the half-sleeping class.

-Now, who will tell how many humans died in the supernatural attack?-

Amia and Tyler immediately raised their hands.Amia smiled a bit since he was the boy she liked.

-Tyler?-The professor said.

-About 800 000 humans died since the supernaturals either made them one of them or ate them.The rest was made in to slaves.-He said.

-Very good Tyler.-The professor nodded just as the warning bells rang.

-I'm sure it's just a safety drill, no need to worry...-Just as he said that we saw the witches flying across the sky.

That could only mean that vampires are near.Vampire and witches work in a team.Witches arouse men and the vampires charm the women.

Amia quickly grabbed her stuff and followed the rest.She did not intend to be captured.

Vampire and witches couldn't step on that ground but they can use their powers.

A hand grabbed her and she turned around facing Tyler.

-Come with me.-He whispered.

She didn't have time to argue since she saw some of the guys from her class looking dull.

 The witches started using their magic.Only men with strong will won't fall for their magic.

He dragged her to the men's bathroom.

Amia stopped.-I'm not going in there!-

-Don't be such a big baby, it's our only way out...-Tyler said impatiently.

-How?-She said disgusted.-By flushing ourselves out of here?-

-No, trough a secret tunnel, me and my friends made it in case they find a way to walk on this ground.-Tyler said.He smashed the opposite wall and unraveled a secret passage.

-No one ever comes to this bathroom because it reeks, so that's why we thought it would be perfect if we ever needed to run.-He smiled to her.-Let's go.-

He light one of the torches and started walking trough the tunnel.

-Where does the tunnel lead to Tyler?-Amia asked him as they walked further in to the tunnel.

-To an abandoned house in the woods.-

-What about my father and my sister!?-She stopped-I have to find them!-

-You're not going back, the school's're only going to get yourself captured.-Tyler looked at her and grabbed her arm.-Let's go!-



They walked for about half an hour before the torch burnt out.The rest of the way they walked trough thick darkness.

Amia was ready to give up when they finally saw a small ray of light.

They were near the exit.

But they had to stop.Only a few meters from the exit a vampire passed by.The recognized him by his puffy red eyes and very pale skin.

They didn't dare to breathe.The vampire passed by the tunnel not even looking at it.

-How is he walking on this ground?-Amia asked petrified.

-I don't know, but that means we're all in danger!-Tyler said.-You should stay here Amia, I'll check the situation outside.-

-But Tyler...!-It was too late.He left the tunnel.Amia could see him,

He tried to walk as quiet as he could but he stepped on a branch which cracked.

In a second the blond vampire appeared behind him.

-TYLER!-Amia ran out of the tunnel but it was too late.Tyler fell on the ground drained of blood.

The blond vampire smiled to her.

-Kneel!-He ordered.

Amia had no intentions in kneeling to the person that killed Tyler, but her body didn't listen to her anymore.It was under possession of the blond vampire in front of her.

-You will be an excellent slave...-

-Tie her up and bring her to our ship!-

The last thing Amia saw was how the blond vampire set fire to Tyler's body.That's when they blindfolded her.


Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now