Part 30

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Amia and Kyra were dressing up in their gowns.

Amia's were a dark navy blue A style dress with one strap and a beautiful butterfly mask.
Kyra wore a baby pink ball gown, strapless with a sweetheart neckline, and a simple pink mask.

Zayn knocked on the door and then swiftly entered.

-You look stunning Amia.-He whispered and hugged Kyra.

-Hey! Get your filthy paws of me!-Kyra growled and pushed away Zayn who was laughing.

He then turned around to grinning Amia and slowly kissed her.

-Uh, I think I'm gonna be sick.-Kyra mumbled and left the room.

The two separated and giggled.

-Shall we go?-Zayn offered his hand and Amia gladly took it.
They walked downstairs to a full ball room.

There were a lot of people under masks, so many guards were standing around as well.

Without introducing themselves they headed for the dance floor and started dancing.Only half an hour later Zayn decided to introduce Amia as his fiancé.

As they stood on the platform suddenly two werewolves jumped on the podium and grabbed Amia.

Immediately a war started.Zayn was trying to get to her but was forced to battle the crowd of people and he didn't know who was good and who's bad.

Kyra was grabbed by Niall and taken outside as it was much safer than inside.


-So you're that brat's fiancé?-Sarah snorted towards Amia

-Who are you?-Amia trembled in front of Sarah.This was her first seeing a demon.

-Oh just a bitter demon that's searching for revenge.-Sarah answered casually, like she was bored.

-You're Sarah?-Amia asked as she remembered that name from Jade and Bella visions.

-Mhm...-Sarah nodded as she glanced around the room.-It's awfully quiet here, but somebody's got to watch over you and I'm the most undesirable person here so I took the fall.-

-So what do you want from me?-Amia asked trying to remember any magic attacks.

-Nothing, you're just a bait, for Zayn...-She said coldly.-After I kill him you can go back to New Zealand.-

Amia's eyes sparkled as her mind rushed over the green hills and the beautiful nature of hwr home land.
I wondered idly what happened with Tyler's brother and which supernatural was now controlling NZ.

Clicking her heels Sarah stood up and pulled Amia upwards scratching her in the process.

-I'm sick of waiting, I need him to come running to me not wait for his ugly face to realise where you are.-Sarah growled.

She blindfolded her and pulled her along. When they were finally out she took the blind fold off and saw the war that was going outside and inside the palace.

-Amia!-Zayn caught the sight of her and then saw Sarah.The hate and anger in his eyes were so obvious that Amia shivered.

-You know I lied... I want you both dead...-Sarah smiled as she pushed Amia aside and confronted Zayn.

His guards were too busy to notice but he didn't mind, he wanted Sarah all to himself.

But Sarah in her demon form was much more deadly than any vampire could ever be.

As she fought with Zayn Amia tangled around trying to untie herself.

-Amia, you okay?-Kyra came running and untied her sister.-Niall wanted me to stay inside but even he couldn't stay put so I managed to get away and look for you.-

-Kyra I need to help Zayn...-Amia whispered looking at his exhousted but still ready to fight face.

-Remember what they said about us, united our powers are stronger than ever...-Kyra said grabbing her hand.

Amia nodded and grabbed her sisters other hand and then started connecting with each other, until their heartbeats were the same.

Opening their eyes they could sense everything, and with the sister bond combined with the witch bond they were more than powerful.

But their powers only worked as long as they were connected so they couldn't let go of their hands.

But it was enough to find every single enemy and freeze them in place. Only Sarah and Zayn continued fighting. Sarah's powers were greater but as she turned around and saw the sirens running away she became angrier than ever.

-Traitors!-She yelled after them and now started to panic a little.

Sarah started backing away and caught a glimpse of Amia who just let go of her sisters hand.With the speed of light she used her wings and flew there grabbing Amia and taking her with her.

-No!-Zayn yelled.

-Just as I watched my loved one die, so will you!-Sarah growled and using one of the knives she had, stabbed Amia in the stomach.
Pulling the knife out blood startef dripping down her blue gown as Zayn grimaced.

Sarah though had to fly down, being high up with additional weight would be too much for her wings.

She flew away from Zayn as he started running to them leaving frozen Kyra behind.

Amia was clutching her stomach trying to use some of the healing spells.

-That won't work sweetie.-Sarah whispered before taking her knife and stabbing her straight in to the heart.

-NOOO!-Zayn's scream was more than loud and Sarah smiled as all the light in Amia's eyes vanished. Her limp body fell down with a silent thud.

Sarah wanted to finish Zayn off as well, but she misjudged him. His reaction to the death of his beloved wasn't shocked stare at the dead body but rather an attack to her murder.

Without knowing what happened Zayn bit in to her neck that not even her demonic blood could heal. He snapped her neck and she fell down, limp and dead.

With red eyes from tears he slowly walked to Amia's body and sat down taking her hand, that's rapidly getting colder.

-Amia...-He whispered.He knew that asking her to open her eyes was useless so he just sat there next to her.He wanted to somehow express his feelings for her but the only sounds that came out from his mouth were quiet moans as he sobbed in to her hand.
-I love you.-Were the only words he managed to say before calming down.-I love you Amia, you have no idea how much, I love your smile, I love your voice, can't I hear them one more time please just one more time, I love the sparkle in your eyes, I love way you dance can I see them at least once more please... I love you Amia...-


Don't hate me!
This isn't the final part there will be one more, and things might turn around, so don't hate me please.

I'm sorry it took me so long to update but I tend to procrastinate a lot so this part was written and then rewritten a couple of times.

Love you all <3

Vampire's slave (1D fanfic) [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now