Part 21

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Zayn and Amia continued kissing until Celeste came back with a bang trough the door immobilizing the guards in front.

-Have you gone nuts Zayn!?She still has to go trough the initiation spell, and I won't let you ruin this witch!!!-She screamed.

Zayn sighed heavily before going of Amia, leaving her flustered and confused.Trough her mind where going many thoughts but the strongest ones were: "No, he's the one that killed your family" and the other conflicted side that screamed:"Who cares as long as he's kissing me".

-Celeste, this is your last warning before I kick you out of the castle...leave this room, now!-He glared at Celeste.

-You go and do that Zayn, but Amia's going with me, whether she wanted it or not!-Celeste yelled.-If you can't keep it in your pants, then go and fuck another slave, but leave Amia alone!-

Zayn seemed furious but before he could say anything Amia behind him spoke.

-What's the initiation?-She asked Celeste.

Celeste walked passed the furious Zayn and crouched down to Amia.

-It's a spell that locks you permanently in the witch form, that is unless you trade your powers for some're now in a half human, half witch form and it's not doing you any good, as the witch wants to let your powers loose but the human keeps them locked, tiring both of them....-Celeste slowly explained.

-And when will I have to go trough the initiation?-


-What about Kyra?-Amia asked finally remembering her sister.

-Her initiation was supposed to take place tomorrow, but she'll need to prove her strength before becoming a complete witch...-Celeste stood up.

-And what about me?-

-Just the colour of your eyes is enough to prove you're ready to become a real witch...but still the sisters aren't ready to accept anyone that will most likely have to go trough same tasks as your sister...-And then Celeste turned to Zayn.-And you mister, keep the pants zipped!-

Zayn watched her leave in bewilderment.-To think I'd be lectured by a witch...-

Amia avoided his look as the inner battle inside her continued.

Zayn sat down on the bed as Amia still avoided to look at him.

-Amia what do think of me?-His question got her unexpected.

-Sir....?-She said dumbfounded.

He just shook his head.-Never mind...forget i asked...-


 -Relax, you're not going on a trial, you're just going to be tested!-Brianna told Kyra as she helped her evolve her powers.

-What will the tasks be?-Kyra asked nervously.She had learned that she'll be put on a witch test before she becomes a real witch.

-I don't know, I've never witnessed anyone becoming a witch this way?-

Kyra's eyes widened.-W...whaa...what?!-

-It's just that, most of the human witches are destroyed, both of you were very lucky to have me in this castle...

Zayn...if it weren't for me...Zayn would have been a complete different person, without any compassion...-She shook her head.-I got off I have a few hints at what the tasks would be...-

-Well go on!I'd like to practise it!-

-Well, one will most certainly be your connection to the Earth...others might be to see how strong your witch powers and will are...and the rest are just to see basic power orientation...-

-Power orientation?-There were many things Kyra didn't understand but Brianna didn't see the need in explaining it.

-You'll see...-Was Brianna's answer.-Now, to connect with the Earth we need to be outside, so follow me...I'm not very fond of Perrie's garden so we'll go straight to the woods.-

They left the castle and in minutes were in the woods.Brianna crouched down planting her hand on the ground.

Kyra watched above her before Brianna hissed.-Get down here if you want to learn anything!-

Kyra followed the orders and crouched down.

-They'll probably ask you to grow a tree or something, to do that you have to feel the hands on the ground!-

Kyra put her hands on the wet soil and carefully listened to Brianna's words.

-Now remember how I taught you to channel your powers?Well now focus all your magic in to your hands, I know it's hard at first, but as you practise it'll be easier...and imagine all of that powers going in to the Earth but never ending the connection with your hands...-

Following Brianna's words Kyra focused her powers, and the same tingling feeling suddenly became more intense in her hands...and then she felt the ground, she felt every tree, every plant, the nearby river, even the grounds pulsing as Earth rotated around its orbit.

Closing her eyes she was now in every tree, in every plant and in every rock.

With a gasp she pulled her hands from the ground breathing heavily.

Brianna looked at her smiling.-Your powers are even bigger than I expected...we'll have to get back to the castle now, before anyone noticed we're gone.-

-I'd like to practise some more...-Kyra said although she now felt very exhausted.

-It's enough for you to know how to connect, to grow a tree just focus your Powers on the seed in the ground... c'mon we have to go back now...-

But as Kyra didn't sleep past nights worrying about her sister, she felt extremely tired now as she tried getting up she lost her consciousness...


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