18 📞 perfectly captured beauty

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

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Y/N's co-worker, Eunha was staring at her weirdly and realizing how the girl had taken longer than usual in talking to a customer.

"I didn't know you were that friendly to our customers?"

Y/N jumped in surprise as she turned around. She puts down the telephone and laughed nervously, squeezing her mind out for a possible answer.

"Uh, it was my friend"

The older co-worker narrowed her eyes, but after a few seconds, she laughed out loud, which was so weird for Y/N at least.

"I actually had you there", Eunha chuckled.

What?, Y/N stood awkwardly in front of her.

"I'm just kidding. Come get out. Someone's actually looking for you"

Y/N's eyes widened. Someone's looking for her? For a second, she thought of Sunghoon. Did he really follow Jon to this place just to see her? Was it even possible?

She stepped out of her working booth and spotted a delivery boy by the counter. Jon was grinning like a fool and was waving at her more friendlier than usual.

Y/N squinted her eyes. The younger boy was also holding something in his hands.

"Y/N, he asked me to give you something", Jon beamed.

"Yeah..", she smiled hesitantly, "What is it?"

"A phone"

Y/N gasped, her eyes widening like saucers as soon as a small paper bag of Iphone was handed to her.

"You're kidding, right?"

"Why would I? You're damn lucky someone like that had given that to you", Jon smirked.

Both of them stared at the paper bag for a second, one having a wide grin and one having a confusion in her eyes.

Y/N then led the delivery boy to a two-seater table near the window. Her hands were already itching to touch the telephone to tell Sunghoon off for giving such an expensive phone. She can hardly wait to say all of her complaints!

"You're so lucky.. I didn't know you had a connection with an idol", Jon gushed like he wasn't a boy.

"An idol, you say? He's one?", Y/N asked, still going deeper into her confusion.

"Are you kidding me? You didn't know he is Park Sunghoon, a former ice figure skater that turned idol?", Jon exclaimed in disbelief.

"Really? He never told me that.. I'm also not updated to anything new in that world"

"He's always like that, I guess. Always so humble, so he didn't brag about it"

Y/N shook her head. As much as she wanted to meet him, she didn't like to see the horrified expression of Sunghoon when he sees her face. Especially now that she heard he is someone famous in their country.

She could totally imagine it, him not calling again after meeting her.

"Did you know that he really wants to go here?"

She shrugged, "I don't know. I always talked him to not do it"

"Oh, should I bring him next time?"

Y/N's eyes widened, "Oh no? No!"

"Why not? It'd be amazing for you and for the store itself"

She snorted, "Amazing? I'd just rather talk to him on the phone forever than let him see how..", she fake-puked while gesturing to her face, "unappealing I am"

"Oh come on, let me take a pic of you! I'll send it to him and see if you're really unappealing. I bet he would just fall even more if he sees you"

"No way", Y/N laughed at how nagging Jon is and almost immediately covered her face when he took his phone out to a snap a picture of her.

"He'll give me some of his photo cards for this, I think"

And then she heard a click. A camera click!

"You didn't!"

Jon laughed which sounded almost evil to Y/N's ears, "Aww, you covered your face! But this could work anyway"

She attempted to grab the mocking phone of Jon but failed when the kid took it out of her reach. She almost screamed her out but couldn't because of some customers.

"It's not bad!", Jon laughed and showed her the picture.

And there, it showed a picture of her hysterically blocking her face from the camera but behind the space between her fingers, was a wide dazzling smile no one could ever deny.

Her eyes shone in delight as the sunlight oozing from the window struck her. She looked playful and carefree.

Now who said she was ugly?

Her former bestfriend did out of jealousy.

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now