27 📞 perfectly an emergency

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"... Sunghoon? Are you there..?"

"Y/N? Yes, I am just at home, getting ready for our dinner but why are you calling me?"

"I-I need you to pick me up if you can. Please pick me up"

"Jesus, you're crying really hard. Y/N, what the hell happened? I swear -"

"Can you just pick me up?"

"Are you sure you want to see me? I want to, because I know we haven't -"

"I don't care. Please, Sunghoon. I need your help"

"Okay. Take a deep breath and tell me where you are. It's going to be alright, okay? Hold on"

"Just a few stores away from the ice cream shop. Look for a girl with a crappy short hair"

"Don't worry, everything will be just fine. I'm on my way there as fast as I can"

"Please hurry"

[ beeps ]

"Where are you going, Sunghoon hyung?"

"To her"

"All of a sudden?"

"She's crying. She needs me. I have to go see her"

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now