40 📞 perfectly grand meeting

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

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A sudden explosion of movement woke Y/N up from her sleep as she felt something heavy fall down on her. Her eyes immediately shot open and she resist the urge to yelp.

"What the hell!?", she yelled, calming herself down.

"Get up", Sunghoon said brightly, who were pushed earlier to her by the three maknaes on their way out of the room.

He climbed off the bed and stripping the blankets away from her. She grunted and rolled over, stuffing her face in the pillow.

"Are you asking for a tickle?", he threatened.

"Are you asking me to leave you here at this moment?", Y/N snapped.

She don't mess around when it comes to tickling. The shit is the world's worst form of torture, and a very serious matter in her opinion.

Y/N eventually rolled out of bed and got herself ready for the day. It was really early, apparently where they're going is far away, so they had to leave at the crack of dawn and Sunghoon felt the need to ask her to bath first.

As for the Enhypen themselves, she heard the whole time how they choose the ones to bath first by the game of rock and scissor.

Every win's a loss, every loss a groan from a loser and a smile to the winner.

Everyone met up at the hour of seven sharp before they took at least four cars since the girlfriends of some members joined except for the remaining singles like Jay and Heeseung.

They have hired a drivers, of course and among the cars, Y/N had no doubt theirs was the loudest because of Jungwon and Ni-ki with Jay, and even the two maknae's girlfriends were loud themselves.

Every Disney song that came on was screamed out while Ni-ki is bantering with his girl in the background. By the end of the car ride, they hadn't gotten Jay to sing along like Jungwon hoped to, but finally got him not to change the song once the chorus started especially of Into The Unknown.

His little wise crack here and there only lightened the mood even more.

When they finally arrived at the destination, Y/N's confusion grew. She didn't really know what she was expecting, but a wood lodge definitely wasn't it. There was snow everywhere - she didn't even know there's a place out of Seoul still snowing even if it's not winter season.

Jay hollered his typical excited phrases as he hopped out of the car, opening the trunk. Y/N looked over at Sunghoon and shot him an exaggerated smile in efforts to lighten the mood.

He chuckled and smiled back, "And here we go", he said, turning to where Jungwon is being embarassed of his girlfriend while Ni-ki's is already dragging him around.

It was really cold, like really cold. Y/N hoped she had packed enough warm clothes.

The other cars pulled into the driveway, two more girls hopping out simultaneously who waved at Y/N happily before pulling her on a hug. After a few moments, the door to the lodge opened.

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now