34 📞 perfectly living up to the cream

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

☏ ⚊ ☏

"Good evening, this is Baskin -"

"I regret it"

"What do you regret?"

"The matcha and cookies and cream flavor"

"You regret ordering or eating it?"


"Okay, so why do you regret both?"



"It tasted like a dog vomited on it and added expired medicines"


"Fuck, I almost puked in the practice room"

"What on earth is wrong with your taste bud?"

"It's plain disgusting"

"Don't say that!"

"But it's true. All of them tried it"

"What did they say?"

"Yeah, and they all said it's gross"

"But why? It's mouth-watering for me!"

"Is this the part where I ask you 'what's wrong with your taste bud'?"

"Nothing's wrong with my taste bud. It's perfect"

"You really like that vomit?"



"Don't you like it?"


"It's fine, I understand. I mean, we don't have the same taste bud, right?"




"Don't be snob!"

"I like it"


"I like it. I mean, the one who suggest the flavor"


"I like her. Very, very much"


"And I'll wait for her to melt for me soon"

[ beeps ]

"Like an ice cream..."

[ one bitter soul heard it from the background ]

"And like an ice cream, all of us will melt into nothing for sure. That's the meaning of life. We'll all die in the end"

"Jungwon, what is he saying?"

"Sssh.. Jay hyung was experiencing something"


"The girl apparently hung up on him again"

"What a poor soul"

"I heard that!"

Mr. Perfectly Fine ⚊ Enhypen Sunghoon Text AU [ #5 ]Where stories live. Discover now