31 📞 perfectly his querencia

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Bold - Sunghoon

Italic - You

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His heart was pounding out of his chest as he whipped out of the taxi after paying the fee then runs into the yard of their dorm.

Jungwon opens the door for him from hearing his scream of panic, he raced inside and rushed up to one of the open bedrooms.

"Towels please", Sunghoon stuttered, so anxious that he felt like he was going to faint.

His mind was spinning as Jay told him to keep it together and stated that he should be the one to manage in changing her into another clothes that's not dry.

But everything around him was blurring together in one large sea of movement and it all seemed to be going in a slow motion and fast forward at the same time.

His hearing was obstructed by a loud ringing in his head as he hurried throughout the room, from receiving two towels from Sunoo and a spare of clothes from Jake before they were all leaving the room in respect to the girl.

And then, suddenly everything stopped.

He found himself staring down at her, his shaking hands reaching out before taking a deep breath and felt a hand around her forehead.

She was out cold, but her whole body is on fire because of a fever, perhaps from being out in the rain or of something else.

Sunghoon was so in shock that he couldn't move for a few moments, just trying to take it all in. And before he could do anything, he asked for one of his members' girlfriend to change her in a clothes.

Thankfully, in just twenty minutes, Jake's girlfriend had arrived with her own set of clothes and changed the girl herself, saying Y/N must already be sick even way before they met.

When Sunghoon eventually walked over to her later in the evening, he sat down on the edge of the bed next to her, reached out and held her hand in his.

He put his head down, not being able to take the sight for much longer. The tears began streaming out as he thought about the possibilities that could've led to this and isn't she calling for help?

She never told him the reason for it but there could be something because why else would she wait that long in the pouring rain?

His mind was still spinning as he brushed the hair away from his face. After a few moments of taking in her sick appearance, Y/N slowly open her eyes to where he was sitting so close to her.

When she noticed him trailing a hand carefully up her face, she snapped all her attention to him.

He looked worried and sympathetic as he waited for her to say something.

"Youngho visited me", her voice cracked. As she said it out loud, it suddenly became more real in her mind.

Sunghoon gulped, shaking his head. Y/N squinted her eyes, her hands feeling shaky but her voice remaining strong.

"I was so excited to see him again at first", she stated, her eye twitching, "He seemed so sweet and apologetic to me, and everything went pretty well for a while but something just didn't feel right"

"I told him he should go because he tried to kiss me and even though I said no, he persisted", her voice shook with tremor at the memory. She felt vulnerable, out in the open and exposed.

Sunghoon, meanwhile, attempted to contain his anger by clenching his fist until his knuckled turned white.

Y/N, however, was not finished. She continued warily, "I could tell he was drunk and I was confused when he asked me to go in his car. He brought me inside, and his hand gripped my arm so much it hurts. He pushed me up in the backseat and no matter how hard I tried to get him off on top of me, he was too strong. He tried to take my clothes off...."

"I was so scared, Sunghoon", she admitted, trembling as she remembered the guy's filthy hands on her legs, "I thought he was going to rape me, but he didn't get to and some nice passerby's broke the glass before knocking him out"

She sniffled, "And then the men offered me a ride home. Obviously I declined it, but thanked them. I was too frightened to be with another man for the moment. Except you... And that was when I called you-"

Sunghoon immediately pulled her in a hug, and Y/N hugged him back with everything in her. For some reason, the tears couldn't come out - she was too much in shock to be in touch with emotions.

"What do you want to do?", he asked when they pulled apart after a while. She looked up into his searching eyes.

"I don't know", she spoke, not being able to formulate actual sentences in her throbbing mind, "Just stay with me"

At this point, it was taking everything in her not to break down.

"I'll stay, I promise for as long as you need", Sunghoon said before placing a kiss in her forehead.

Everything around them seemed to be going in a slow motion as he hugged her again and let her cry in his shoulder.

He knew he was sad as hell for her. But that's the thing - he knew he was sad and had accepted it. All the overwhelming anxiety and uncertainty that was controlling him as if it had just let him completely.

It was rather peaceful in a way.

He and Y/N fell asleep on the bed together, intertwined and cozy. It really did amazed him how much Y/N had control on him. No one had been able to make him feel warm and protective of someone just like this person.

As he fell asleep, he could only think of one thing - this girl already owns me. I already belongs to her.

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a / n :

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