Black Destiny 🖤

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Author's pov:

It was a bright sunny day, 9 in the morning still, nobody in the Jones family cared about going to the dining table for Breakfast. Probably it would have been the first time that Maya didn't get up from the bed with the fear of her parents shouting at her for sleeping till late. But, she wasn't sleeping. Last night was a dark storm in her life. Her parents whom she loved with all her heart betrayed her and sold her for a mere business deal to an unknown person. Even though they keep on shouting at her , scolding her for every little thing even if it's not her mistake , she never hated them . She never disrespected her parents . She always masked their anger with their love.

But , yesterday her world crashed. Her dreams broke. Her aspirations about her love life died. Along with all these a part of her died too.

Yesterday night after her father told or rather ordered her to marry a random guy, she refused. She said No. But, they neither did they listened her anytime in the past nor did they listened yesterday. They made her count the things they did for her. From giving birth to her till her education , they made her count them all. For the first time in life, she felt like a burden in her own house. Only she knows, how she controlled herself and her anxiety infront of them.

When her condition started to worsen , she quickly signed the pre-nuptial papers without even reading them and went to her room. That time she faced her worst anxiety attack ever . Her hands as well as her whole body trembled as if she's a robot and set on a vibration mode. Her body started shivering. She almost started losing her breath .

Somehow she managed to get her medicines and consumed a double dose. She then started a soothing music and hoped in a cold shower. God knows after how much time she was able to breathe properly. She cried and cried untill she lost her consciousness. That night her pillow would have been soaking wet due to her tears.

 That night her pillow would have been soaking wet due to her tears

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Maya's pov:

Guess I didn't close the curtains yesterday also. The sunlight has entered my room as if, my room is its personal property. I could hear the chirping of birds through the window. I slowly got up and looked at my mobile . Whatttt !!!! Its 9 .14 in the morning. How could I not get up ? Why didn't Mom and Dad didn't come shouting at me for sleeping till this late?

As soon as I thought about Mom and Dad , my mind replayed all the memories of yesterday night. Then I got it, why didn't they wake me up.

My thoughts were disturbed by the ringtone of my phone. It was Daisy❤️

The one and only one, who I think is my soulmate. She's my best friend. She's a Therapist working at a great hospital here itself in New York. That was her dream to help people with mental health issues. Somewhere, I was the reason she took it up as a career. We went together from kindergarten to high school and then we seperated as we took different career options. Still, she never left my side.

She is the only person who knows about my anxiety problems. I got my first anxiety attack infront of her and she couldn't see me suffering. So, she thought to help me by making it as her career and studying it professionally.

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