Chapter 1 | Poems

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I sighed as i noticed Emma walking in. I just rolled my eyed in annoyance as i continued reading the book i was reading before she entered. It's been days, and i've been unproductive. Actually, why can't i just stay in my room and just go out in meals so that i won't encounter Aria.

But then again, she's kinda crazy so nah..

"Good afternoon, m'lady. I've brought you some tea." Emma's soothing voice said as she placed the tea tray in the table. "I've also brought your favorite pastries."

I want coffee.. "Can i have coffee instead of tea?" i asked Emma as she looked at me with a confused looked. "I said what i said, Emma."

"Coffee are bad for you, m'lady."

"Whose is the master here, Emma? Me." i looked at her with piercing glare as i sighed and placed my book at my lap. "Whatever, leave me alone then. And also, have you removed all the maids that i sent to spy for Aria except for Jessie?"

She still looked at me with confused face, but she nodded. "Yes, m'lady."

"Good, now leave. I'll just ring the bell if i needed your presence." i said, waving my hand to motion for her to leave as i continued reading my book.

"Of course, Lady Mielle." as she said that, i heard footsteps as the sound of the door opening and closing rang in my ears.

Wheew. Good thing Emma did what i said. Because if not, then i'll have to fire her. Of course, i have to. Even though Emma is like a mother to Mielle, i have to freaking fire her. She's kinda the cause of Aria's death too.

I sighed, as i started eating the pastries. Clearly, i didn't expect that, that dinnertime where Mielle and Aria recited the poems would happen later. Like i mean, this later.

"Mielle, you've been silent the whole dinner. Did i do something wrong perhaps?" the old man questioned as i shaked my head and flaunt a smile.

"Of course not, father. I was just thinking of how to repay your gifts that you've poured thoughtfulness in. Words cannot express my thanks to it." i answered making him chuckle.

Wheew, why do they always pay attention to me? Is it my fault that i want to just keep quiet?! Please leave me alone. I don't even wanna be here!!

"I'm always thinking of you guys, even from far away." Yeah, yeah, whatever. Don't pay attention to me now.

And didn't Mielle said that you're always on business trips, messing off with some women? And by messing off, i mean having sex with them? Although, i don't know if it's true. Well, maybe, yeah.

"..May i read you a poem, since you're always thinking of us, father?" Aria asked as i looked at her and smiled, although it faded.

Oh fucking gosh. What the fuck? I really didn't expect this to happen. Was many days already passed while i was reading the novel i suddenly took from the library?

Poor Aria, though. That old man really prefer Mielle over her, even though she's adopted, she could've treated her nicely equally. Ha, no wonder they abandoned you..

After awhile, Aria finished reciting the poem, our father is speechless. Of course he is, he thinks Aria is stupid because she was a commoner. Fucking discriminating son of a bitch. I wish he- did he die? I stopped reading when Mielle got beheaded, then i ~✨mysteriously✨~ died.

"You must've studied hard, Aria." he said while she bowed and sat down.

I heard my step-mother chuckle as she said what she exactly said in the manhwa, "She was always reading when we had no money.. Perhaps she's had more chances to study, now that she's here."

'Books? What a joke. I only ate rotten grass back then.' is what's on her mind behind her sweet smile.

"I'm doing my best so i wouldn't tarnish the family name." she replied, just as exactly as what it said in the manhwa. It's kinda creepy, not gonna lie.

She's probably waiting for me to reply, so i silently chuckled and smiled. "It's the famous poem from the first count, if i recalled it correctly. I learned it when i was four." i said, making Aria smile even wider. I like you Aria, but i don't want my ass to be embarassed so.. "There's also a reply to that poem, it was composed by the count's younger brother who tried to murder him. There's a hidden metaphor at the poem about cursing the family, and so it was banned."

All of them looked at me with shock, as i just smiled. Clearly, Aria wants me to kill more than what she wants to now.. Yikes.

"Mielle, you're so smart." Aria chuckled as she complimented me, making me smile and giggled softly.

"It's just some knowledge i got from the book. I'm not that smart. I think you're the smart one here, sister." i replied as the maid stuttered and said that they'll serve the meal.

Finally, i'm getting hungry. Although, i sure hope that i won't get killed tonight. Or tomorrow. Or maybe forever. Yeah, i hope so..

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Where stories live. Discover now