Chapter 12 | Kill Him First

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I looked at Aria with confusion as Jessie and Annie helped me wrap the gift i'm sending to Oscar. "What is it, sister?"

"I thought you've got yourself a playmate. Where is she and why are you ordering my maids around instead of yours?" she continuously said without pausing, as she looked at me with confusion. "Well, not that i mind.."

I chuckled as i sat down beside her and smiled. "Well, i sent her out to get something. Plus, Jessie don't mind? Right Jessie?" i turned to Jessie and she just nodded. "Plus, Annie's one of my former maids too. So it's fine."

"Just say you're lazy."

"Laziness is a normal occurrence in one's mind. As a wise woman once said, Laziness is a Hobby." i confidently stated as Aria just stared at me with blank expression, same as Jessie and Annie. What?

Aria sighed as she caressed the bridges of her nose. "Seriously.. Mielle, you're hopeless."

"I might be hopeless, but i'm still rich." i retorted with a smile. Aria just glared at me as i only gave her a peace sign and a wide smile. Then, the door on my bedroom opened as it showed Margareth. "Oh, Reth. You're here! Come, come." i called as i motioned her to come over.

She was reluctant at first as she immediately noticed my company, but walked towards us. Aria smiled at her as she greeted Reth. "It's nice to meet you."

Reth lowered her head. "It is also my pleasure to meet Lady Aria."

"Haha, is that so~?" Aria chuckled. She glanced at me for a little bit as i simply nodded. "Jessie, Annie.. Will you please get out for a moment and prepare us some pastry?" Aria ordered in a cheery tone, as the two only complied and nod.

As i watched them get out, i turned to Aria, who are now sitting beside me. "She's my new playmate, Sister." i told Aria with a smile. "And she'll be the one responsible for your accident." i noticed Reth was taken aback at my remarks, as i continued. This time, my gaze are on hers. "That is, if she did a good job destroying the tracks that she've left behind.. Say, did you?" i asked in a low but intimidating tone.

In all honesty, i would be disappointed if she didn't. I glanced at Aria, and her expression looked the same as mine.

"I did, Lady Mielle." Margareth answered as she bowed. She glanced at the two of us for a moment, as she lowered her head once again. She's confused, isn't she? "But why is Lady so close with.."

"That~?" i giggled as i turned to Aria and hugged her tightly, my face still on Reth's direction. "Because we planned it. You see, we want the count's house to fall." i nonchalantly added as Aria giggled after my remarks.

Reth's mouth fell as i just chuckled. It was Aria's turn to speak. "It's a complicated thing.. So don't ask question further more."

"Yes, Lady Aria."

"Instead.. How about we all plan together how to kill Cain?" Aria and i said in sync, smilling like a cheshire cat. I noticed the prickled sweat at Reth's forehead.

Brother or not, everything he does disgust me. And so, i shall take him out first. Haha, i wonder what'll happen if he dies..

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Where stories live. Discover now