Chapter 24 | Happy Birthday

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I turned to Aria in confusion, seeing her in an indoor dress instead of an outdoor dress. She looked confused, and mad— in some way. I arched my eyebrow as a reply while the servants dressed me up. She literally walked inside my bedroom and scolded me when she saw me.

"You're really having your party— You only woke up yesterday!" Aria fumed, but I only waved it off with a smile. She pouted in my reply and sat in front of me. "I can't believe you, Mielle."

"It's called priorities, sister~"

"Your priorities are poorly rated then. Priorities, my ass."

I choked on air as I heard Aria's whisper under her breath while she looked away from me. It seemed like the other servants didn't notice, but I did! Since when did Aria learned to say that? But, then again, she's a vulgar lady sometimes. I want her to swear at me!

Aria turned her head to me and scanned me from head to toe. She then raised her head and nodded. "You look good." she said, still with her frown.

"Thanks!" I flashed a wide smile in return and grinned.

After dressing and dolling me up, head to toe, it was time for me to get down to the reception. It was a small party, yet, there's quite a lot of nobles and carriages outside the countdom. I didn't expect this at all. Is this expected?

"Father invited a lot of nobles," I whispered under my breath, which Aria caught on.

"It was because Oscar and the Duchess is attending," Aria simply mumbled under her breath. I turned to look at her expression, but it was simply nothing. I expected something, at least. "What is it?" she asked.

I opened my mouth to reply, but instead, I only smiled and walked pass her.

I forgot that I should distance myself from her… But solely doing so is something so hard. Aria is a magnetic force, something I just can't shake off no matter how I try. It's my fault in the first place anyway, I befriended her and showed her genuine intentions.

Shaking my head to get rid of my useless reflection of my actions, the maids guided me to the reception and opened the door for me. The herald yelled my name and immediately, all eyes are on me. What a way to gain attention.

I was greeted by countless of nobles with a smile, as I also did so too. Even though I know these people are just here for show and gossip— the Duchess too— and these smiles are just as fake as me.

I would know, I've practiced every kind of smile since I was a child.

"Happy Birthday, Lady Mielle."
"Are you okay now?"
"I heard you fainted."
"Is it true that Lord Oscar brought you home?"

I simply smiled and softly laugh to avoid their questions. Yet, it seems like they're all eager to gain gossip. I'm only fourteen, nevertheless, they wanted some scandal from me. What are they expecting? Some juicy gossips? These old motherfuckers. Well, what can I say? Nobles are the most shitty people in the whole wide world, and only little are exception.

I can even see the future headlines for the paper right now:

“Mielle Roscente and Oscar Frederick; Secret Rendezvous.”

“Engagement of Two Young Nobles: Confirmed?”

“The Love Between Frederick's and Roscente's.”

I sighed in dismay as I patiently— which my patient is running thin— listened to their nonsense. If I could, I'd definitely raise my middle finger to them. Why am I even sitting with these people? Sarah and her friends attended my party, and is with Aria. So why am I here? Where I'm prone to ticking off and throwing one of these glass away.

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat