Chapter 11 | a Fellow Con-Artist

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"Do you know why you're here?" i asked as i smiled at her. The maid nodded as she lowered her head. It was the maid that i was with, when i went to that tea party. And her name was.. "What was your name, again?"

"It's Reth, m'lady." she answered.

"So you can read and write.." i mumbled as i read what are on the papers. I secretly asked Annie, Aria's future playmate, to take information to her. "Margareth Bert, from the fallen baron house of Bert."

Margareth lowered her head even more and nodded. "Y-yes, m'lady."

"Alright then, i'm assigning you as my playmate." i nonchalantly stated as i smiled brightly at her. Her long burgundy hair that are on a ponytail swayed, as her gray eyes sparkled in confusion. "Is there something you want to ask?"

She looked bashful at first as she again, lowered her head. "Uhmm.. Why did Lady Mielle chose me as her playmate?"

I chuckled as i leaned onto her as i placed my hand at her chin and raised her head. There, her grey eyes looked more lot like light blue as the light shimmered through it.

"Because.. You aren't so bad of a con artist." i giggled as i patted her head. "The baron fell because of reckless spent on the casino, and i admire the high risk that your brother have taken." i added as i leaned back at my seat, as i watched her mouth gaped in shock.

"Without you scamming other nobles, your house would've fell years ago. Since you are a child, you've been conning nobles. Outsmarting them as they gave you alot of their money, in exchange for a larger sum. But in the end, they fall in misery because they've trusted someone who they didn't know but somehow, convinced them that they are powerful with connections."

"Tha-That's an assumption, m'lady! I would never-"

"But you've gone tired of it. You wanted to be free from all the lying.. But your brother all made it worst and lose all the money for years to come at the casino, once again." i eerily smiled at her as she just backed away and lowered her head. "All the money that you've gained, all for nothing. In the end, your house have fallen in debt and you have no choice but to become a maid. Luckily for you, you've ended up with me."

"So you're saying.. That you've accepted me because of my skill?" she asked back as she looked at me with furrow. "I quitted because i don't want to do it again! It was hell-"

"I know where your brother is, at the moment." i cutted her off as i gave her a stern glare. "Your older brother, and your little brother."

That's right.. I've heard from the count that a baron family went to the south boarders. I asked one of the maids to check who it is and it was her brothers, fortunately. Instead of having the older one go to work, it was the younger who did everything.

So that is why, i've locked the brother somewhere in a shed near our property and her little brother being taken care of one of my maids. Good thing they've obliged willingly. If not, Reth here won't trust me.

".. What do i do?" Margareth asked as she looked at me with will, and it made me smile. She kinda remind me of myself. "To get my brother back and punish that lowlife?"

I chuckled as i looked at her with a cheshire grin. "Have someone hurt sister." i placed my teacup at the table. "Manipulate them into killing my sister. Until then, your brothers will be on my hold."

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Where stories live. Discover now