Chapter 8 | Affectionate Fiancé

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"Goodbye brother. Goodbye, Sir Oscar. Have a safe trip." i bid farewell as i waved at the two with a smile. Yeah, bye Cain. I'm not going to miss you.

"Goodbye Lady Aria." he bowed at aria as he then faced me. "Goodbye Lady Mielle. Take care of yourself."

"You should too, Sir Oscar." i smiled as i nodded. "I'll take that to heart. Take care."

"Yes. Thank you." he said as he finally entered their carriage and head off.

"What's with that?"

I looked at aria with confusion as i mumbled. "What?"

"The way he looked at you.. He genuinely care for you." Aria whispered as she looked at me. "Have he even returned your handkerchief?"

"Hmm? No, he did not." i answered as i just shrugged. "He probably forgot to give it back. Plus, i think he likes you more."

"He doesn't, mielle. But anyway, i'm going back now. Are you going to do something today other than read?" she asked as i shrugged once again.

"I'll do some studying, and embroider something." I just had a dream where i was sent to prison.. I sighed as i smiled again. "Love is just a nuisance that'll make my plans fail. I won't fall for anyone again. Not after what happened last time."

And some time passed, Aria's mother was back from her shopping trip. and a gift from the Fredericks have arrived. Two gifts.. I wonder why oscar gave Aria a gift when she didn't give her handkerchief though. Oh, i forgot, i had to go somewhere too. I had to go to a teaparty.. What a wrong timing, and Aria was going somewhere too.

"Was he feeling nice that he gave you too?" i whispered to Aria's ear as she just chuckled and shrugged. "Whose is whose?"

"Ah, the red ribbon belongs to Lady Mielle. And the blue belongs to Lady Aria." the butler explained as he took out two letters. "And these were to give to you two, too." he said, as the maids took the letters and handed it to us. although, why is mine a four-paged letter?

"Sir Oscar must've appreciated the handkerchief, no? Mielle?" Aria giggled as she glanced at my letter. Your face says otherwise.. You really just want to tease me.

"A handkerchief?"
"Lady Mielle gave Sir Oscar a handkerchief?"

"Yes.. He must've appreciate it so much he gave me such long letter. Oh, what a caring fiancé i have." i said in a cheery voice as i closed my eyes. I hope someone can notice my thick sarcasm. "Jessie, can you please open my gift?"

"Yes, Lady Mielle." Jessie nodded as she opened the gift. It was a dress, a sandal and a pin with a rose pattern in it.

"What a beautiful dress!"
"It's so pretty, but a bit simple.."

He chose this. "Ah, what a beautiful dress.." i mumbled as i looked at one of my maids and pointed her. "Bring this dress to my bedroom.. I'll change to it later after seeing sister's gift."

"Ahh, i'm pretty sure it's just a simple dress mielle. You should hurry, aren't you suppose to go to a teaparty?" Aria retorted as she beamed. I gave in as i nodded in reply as my maids follow me back.

"You too, sister. You'll be late from your appointment."

"Ah~ Don't worry about that Mielle." aria smiled as she raised her thumbs. "I really just want to see you in that dress." Translation: I wanna see how you'll react in a dress Oscar gave you

"Haha, truly, sister really amuses me sometimes." i muttered as i giggled. Translation: I really hate how you're actually a villainess. "I'm going to change now."

Moments later, i'm in the dress. It's just a simple light blue pattern neck dress with long butterfly sleeves and paneled dress. It had simple flowery designs on it, but overall, it suits me. Huh.. And then he paired it with a cute hairpin. A rose-designed pin with little flowers in them. And hey, isn't this emerald? Such a pretty gem..

I walked down the stairs as i noticed everyone looking at me. "Huh?"

"Oh my! Lady Mielle look beautiful in the dress."
"It's a simple dress but she made it magnificent."

"You look good, Mielle." Aria commented as she clasped her hands. i smiled at her as i nodded.

"Sir Oscar seemed to really think of me when he picked this." I hate this. I thought as i started walking towards aria. i clinged into her arms as i beamed at her. "Let's walk out together sister!"


"Well, it's nice seeing you two get along. Prepare their carriages now." My stepmother ordered as the butler got into it.

Me and Aria walked outside hand in hand as we smiled. Telepathically, we're arguing. Not because we hate each other, but because she's teasing me. Gosh, she's really into seeing me mad huh? Oscar was a great character, yes.. But if i wanted luxury, i don't want to somehow be connected to Isis.

"Goodluck, Mielle." said Aria in a cheery tone. I knew what it meant. This is my first time going on a tea party. But Mielle have so this can be quite difficult. However, these situations can be perfected with a little research.

That is why i read books all about etiquette and tea parties. Much to say, my plan for the day would be having a great day and help Aria to have a good reputation.

"Goodbye, Aria. Goodluck to you too."

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Where stories live. Discover now