Chapter 6 | Past Love

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Welcome back to my daily laziness shits. And today, i'm going to kill someone named Asmond. Why? Because they fucking messed up an easy job.

"Explain why i should spare your life?" i glared at him as the knights gripped him tightly. "Didn't i told you to do it properly?"

"I'm sorry, Lady Mielle! It was-"

"Shut up! I don't wanna hear it." i coldly gazed at the man. "I just gave you, one simple job! Why'd you mess it up?!"

"I'm very sorry, Lady Mielle." is his only reply.

I sighed as i dropped myself at the soft sofa and held my temples. This guy's making me go nuts..

Just kidding.

"Great job, Asmond. You acted well!" i complimented as the knights took their hands off him.

The guy bowed as he said, "Thank you, Lady Mielle. Although, i'm curious.. Why are we doing this?"

I looked at him for a moment as i placed my index finger at my chin and acted as i was thinking. Then, i smiled as i shrugged.

"I don't know either!" i exclaimed as i stood up and went outside. "Clean up the messes now. I'm visiting sister."

I exited the drawing room as i walked through the huge corridors. Even though it's only a countdom, it's really big nonetheless. I wonder if there's another mansion that Roscente's own.

Who am i kidding? I'm pretty sure there is.

When i set sight at the familiar door of Aria's room. Of course, since i'm shameless and already are best of friends with the lady, i entered the room without knocking.

"Oh, Mielle. Good afternoon." Aria greeted, right after she started reading her book again.

I furrowed my eyebrows as i just shrugged. "You're so focused on your book. How about try to laze around a bit?"

"Unlike you, i'm not that lazy." she retorted, without even looking at me. "Plus, this book will help me for a bright future."

"Wow.." i replied in a low voice as i dropped myself at the soft sofa. "You know, i'm quite smart myself. Smarter than the original owner of this body."

"Hmm.. Good for you."

"I'm good at scamming people."

Aria furrowed her eyebrows at me as she closed her book. "What does that mean?"

I shrugged as i looked away. "I was a conman. I trick people for a living, and had been getting away with it for years. Although, the last one failed, that's why i'm in this body."

"Why'd it fail? You've been doing it for years, and you failed at the last one?" she asked.

I sighed as i chuckled dryly. "Someone i cared for betrayed me.. He didn't know that all i did to trick people was for him, so he could get better... All he knew was he thought that i love having money." I sighed once again as i closed my eyes for a moment. "Sometimes, i wished i could reverse the time like you so i can just.."

"Hmm.. What happened to him?" Aria asked as i shrugged.

"Probably having the time of his life. Funny, isn't? I was in prison for many crimes and he was an accomplice, but i was the only one who suffered. And when i got out of the prison, i wanted to ask him why he did it.."

I opened my eyes looked at Aria as she asked me once again, "Did he got married?"

"Yep. And he was really, happy." a tear fell in my eyes as i laugh in my own demise. "I don't know what to do, and i don't know what to feel.. I don't even have a home. Well, not until i got here."

Aria walked over me as she pulled me for a hug and patted my back. Which, i didn't expect she'll do. "I guess, we're the same, no? I'm sure you'll get your own revenge too.. And all of the things you did for him, one by one, you will take them all and he'll be in his demise too..."


She then, pulled her face away at my back and looked at me with a smile, wiping the tears that have been falling off my eyes since she hugged me. "I think what you did was admirable. When you somehow get back in your world or whatever that is, get your revenge. But for now, help me get my revenge on this family and the one's supporting them.."

"Yes.." i smiled.

I wasn't a 'The Villainess Reverses the Hourglass' fanatic if i wasn't. I knew everything about Aria. Even how she just wanted to get along with Mielle.

"I wish you'll come back with me in my world so that you could help me with my revenge too." i whispered.

Aria chuckled as she smiled. "Hmm, it's really funny. Our sort of bonding is to help each other get revenge on people."

I shrugged. "Well, revenge is good. Especially when you do it successfully."

This is a great life.. I wish i had Aria back then.

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Where stories live. Discover now