Chapter 4 | Borrow My Dresses

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"Sara invited me to a small party." Aria suddenly mumbled as i tilted my head.

I rolled my eyes as i sighed. "Yeah, i know. You've told me that a thousand times."

She's been mumbling that, ever since Sara invited her to join her and her friends to a party. And now, she's sitting infront of her closet cabinet. With all her disgusting and hideous dress in full show.

I know there's a backstory to why she likes these things, but why? Really? It's really confusing on why she likes those. But, it's no use to questioning her fashion sense. Even i'll like those if i was a commoner. Beacause i 'was' a commoner.

"You could buy new ones since you can't wear indoor attire to an outside event. It's embarassing." i looked at her as she smiled. "If you're going outside right now, you can wear my dresses instead."

She looked at me for a moment as she took a match. "Can you go out for a moment?"

"You're planning on burning 'em?"


"Okie dokie." i stood up, and started walking out of the room.

After a few minutes of waiting, i suddenly heard her yell and maids started barging inside her room. She's such a great actor. I really platonically, love that girl. And i'm sure the real Mielle would too, if Emma wasn't there to corrupt her mind. And Isis too, although it's only minor. Gosh, i wish Mielle and Aria just got along. But there would be no novel if that happened.

After a few minutes of making the fire stop, Aria suddenly sobbed. "I tried to light a candle... But the match was so hot i dropped it by accident and... What should i do, mother..?"

"It's alright. You're still a child, so it's understandable. Thankfully, the fire didn't spread." Mother answered as she looked at Aria.

"I was planning to go out, but all of my clothes got burned down..."

"You can't go out with your indoor atti-"

"If it's okay with you, you can borrow mine." i cutted her off as Aria looked at me with a smile. "I don't mind. And i have alot of unused dresses too."

She walked towards me as she held my hand. "Really? Thank you, Mielle! You're such an angel."

I just giggled softly in response.

All of us went to my room as i opened my closet for her. Good thing that, that box is just easy to find. I don't like the style of it anyway. And plus, it'll ruin her and the crown prince's first interaction.

"You can pick anything you want." i smiled as she smiled back at me.

Now that she doesn't feel like killing me, she'll- oh wait. My dumb ass didn't think about this. What if she doesn't choose that one?

"Can i borrow this?" she asked, as i saw her show a white dress with a red jewel in the middle.

I nodded as i smiled at her. "Yes, you can."

And by that, Aria left the house and i'm all alone. Should i make friends? Nah, too productive. Should i sneak out and buy some fake identity and scam people for their money? Commoners are already pitiful, so no. Maybe nobles? Nah, they're too smart and they also have servants, so no.

"I'm bored.." i mumbled to myself as i swing the empty teacup. I looked at the walls of my room, and i just realized that this room is too big. "I hate rich people.."

"Stop that Evie! It's bad!"

"Ugh, someone. Please give me a book!" i yelled as maids entered with some books. The Queen's Quest. Okay, what the fuck is this title?

Aria, please come back..

Reincarnated as Mielle Roscente || 𝖳𝖵𝖱𝖳𝖧Where stories live. Discover now