Chapter 9 |:| Falling

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ALSO CONTENT WARNING, If you dont like harsh injuries then proceed with caution!!!!

The three of us woke up early in the morning. We ate breakfast and packed up our tent...nothing particularly exciting. However, Leon insisted that we all let out our pokemon to walk with us. Personally, i didnt think it was such a bad idea, but Raihan on the other hand took it personally.

"Oh, so you think i dont have a bond with my pokemon? At least i have more than ONE." Huffed Raihan.

Me and the boys were trekking along route five, i had Eevee in my arms, Dratini by my feet and Raboot was....still ignoring me. It hadnt even snuggled with me last night like it normally does.

*sigh* "thats not what i was saying Raihan, all that i meant is that it would be good for our Pokemon to get some fresh air." Explained Leon, Charmander peering curiously over his shoulder.

"Whatever, at least im not stuck with a puny charmander as a partner" grumbled Raihan.

Even though it was quiet, me and Leon both heard his comment. I thought that Raihan was a nice guy, but that was completely uncalled for!

"Hey! Whats wrong with you? Charmander tries its hardest, its not its fault that its a bit smaller than usual. So BACK OFF" i yelled.

Raihan looked over at me, taken aback by my sudden outburst. Guilt began to show of his face and he turned away, mumbling a "sorry".

I felt a little bad for yelling at him, but he definitely needed to hear it.

We walked for a few more minutes in silence before coming across a pokemon nursery.

"Ooo can we check this out? I wanna see baby pokemon!!"

"Alright, sure" responded Leon with a smile.

We stepped inside and felt a rush of cool air, it was refreshing compared to the stuffy heat outside.

What looked to be a female worker spotted us while carrying a handfull of towels.

She swiftly walked over to us, her short heels clicking on the hard tile floor.

"People...with pokemon.....POKEMON TRAINERS!!" She shouted with glee.

Me, Leon and Raihan just looked at each other, confused.

"Would you mind giving us a hand? We could really use your help. Trainers have been leaving their Pokemon here and when Pokemon eggs are ma- uh i mean MYSTERIOUSLY show up they just take one and leave the rest of the litter, which normally isnt a problem BUT THEYRE ALL HATCHING AT ONCE AND IT IS CHAOS" she rambled.

A crashing sound followed by pokemon cries could be heard from the back room and the employee flinched and look at us hopefully.

"How can we help?" Leon asked sympathetically.

"Thank goodness, okay wait here." She said, speedwalking away.

In a matter of seconds she was back, the towels that she had carried were replaced by three pokemon eggs.

"Owhmylawrd BABIESSSS" Screeched Raihan. After all, who doesnt like baby pokemon?

"Here, one for each of you, if you take these off our hands, it would surely help lighten the load for us nursery workers!" She smiled sweetly.

The three eggs, although they were the same size, each had very different colours and patterns.

The three eggs, although they were the same size, each had very different colours and patterns

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⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now