Chapter 13 |:| Poison

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Click on the full photo lmao, Raihan is jelly of Hop loool. Also i came to school today without a sweater and it started raining 😭

Trigger warning: alcohol, sad feels.

Leon's pov

I felt the cold chill of the damp air run right through me, as if i was a ghost.

The loud rock music seemed to boom from all directions, a jumbled mess of guitar, drums, and Piers screaming his lungs out.

My grip tightened on the neck of the bottle i was drinking from. Ever since i lost Y/n, i havent been able to think straight, not to mention i havent exactly been sober...

Then, the music subsided, and a certain pasty gym leader was making his way to me.

"Leon, you need to move on." He rasped, voice tired from all his 'singing'.

"Piers, i thought i told you to stay out of it. I came here to forget, not accept." I glared.

When i met Piers, it was because i had gone mad with training, and i was trying to defeat the gym leaders as quick as possible, winning was the only thing that could keep my mind off of...well everything.

Not that i had much to show for it. The only gym leader i'd beaten was Nessa...i lost to Kabu and in a fit of rage, got drunk and called a flying taxi and blacked out, somehow i ended up here.

In Spikemuth.

God this place was depressing.

Everything was dirty and pretty run down, there was team yell graffiti everywhere and there was constant noise. It was nothing like where i grew up with Y/n....

"Bud, you dont even know if shes dead, you didnt even look for her. She could be perfectly fine" reasoned Piers, him and me had become rather close after we met, so he knew my circumstances.

"Even if she was alive, how could i face her like this?? Im a mess." i said, taking up my beer and chugging the rest of it down.

"Your choice bro, but if it were my little sis Marnie, i would at least look." Grumbled Piers, walking away.

I gave the spikey haired boy a glare and skulked off to a corner of a dark alley to think.

Was Piers right? Should i go check? At the very least, i should go see Raihan...

"yeah....i should....."


Y/n's pov

Nurse joy had finally finished redoing my stitches, it took way longer than i had expected. Apparently Kabu had stitched my wound in a super complicated way and it took awhile for her to get it out without hurting me.

Thankfully, Nurse Joy replaced them with dissolving stitches, which meant that after they had done their job, they would disappear on their own.

She bandaged me up and sent me back to my room, saying that my pokemon will be brought to me shortly.

"Thank you!" I smiled as i walked put of the room.

"At least now, i can finally go relax in my room" i hummed as i walked down the hallway.

Then i tripped over something...or, someone?

"GAH" i yelped, headed straight for the ground, luckily my hands stopped my face from colliding with the floor.

⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now