Chapter 4 |:| Strong Arms

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I have no life.

"Hey Leon, shes still asleep."

"Leave her be, we have a couple hours before the ceremony."

"But won't she want to get ready?"

"Just promise me you wont wake her up."

"Why tho"

Raihan and Leon have been arguing about this for awhile now but Raihan just couldn't see why he shouldn't wake Y/n up. Somehow they're bickering hadn't brought Y/n out of her sleep....yet.

"Unless you want to  d i e, I suggest you listen to me"

"Pfft what she gonna do, hit me? Oh I'm sooooo scared"


Y/n heard this.

She grabbed Scorbunny and Eevees empty Pokèballs, seeing as how they were still asleep on the bed, and chucked one of them straight at Raihans face and the other one at Raihans stomach.

She may not have a throw as good as a baseball player, but hell. She could still throw.


Screeched Raihan, still in pain.

Y/n didn't answer him seeing as she had already fallen back asleep cuddling Scorbunny.

Eevee however saw this whole scene unfold and found it quite amusing. It let out a laugh before standing up from where it slept, at the foot of the bed, and curled up back-to-back with Y/n. Y/n is causing almost more trouble then Eevee ever did.

A few hours had past and Y/n finally got out of bed. The trio then went to a fast food restaurant, ate and headed over to the stadium.

"Woah I'm getting chills" said Raihan holding the door open for Leon and Y/n.

"Yeah" agreed Leon as they pushed through the crowd in order to get to the front desk.

Y/n was quiet as they all received their challengers uniforms and walked over to the change rooms.

Before Y/n headed into the girls locker room Raihan tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey...uh, are you alright?" Raihan asked, concerned but not sure if it was okay for him to ask. They still didn't know each other that well.

Eevee stared at him with pure shock and disbelief. Raihan just touched Eevee's trainer.....UNACCEPTABLE! Y/n was Eevee's human, how dare he lay a finger on her!!

"Eeevoi" Eevee growled in a low tone, almost as if it were warning Raihan not to come any closer.

Eevees attempt at being threatening however, failed as neither of them understood why it was growling.

"Yeah of course, I'm fine. Why do you ask?" Said Y/n

"'ve barely said a word since breakfast. And you keep on having that blank stare, like your lost in thought."

Y/n smiled at Raihans concern
"Thanks for asking but I'm fine. I'm just crazy excited, that's all" she said smiling.

"Are you sure? I'd say you look a bit nervous" said Raihan, sure that Y/n was feeling scared

"Nervous?! Never!! This is the day the world learns my name, and the day challengers see that I'm the next champion." Y/n stated.

"I'll pound anyone into the dirt if they think they can rival me" she added quietly

"....right........" Raihan said, unsure of how to respond to the last part.

⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now