Chapter 22 |:| DAMN IT KABU

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Hihi, its been a little bit since I updated (dont worry, im not gonna disappear again) but the first week of school has been sooo tiresome. I've decided to put all my books temporarily on hold EXCEPT for this one and my new Leon x Reader, thats right, the first three chapters of it are out!! So go check it out if you want :D anyway, my goal is to keep posting chapters for these books at least once a week, but obviously im not perfect and i might be late sometimes so please be patient with me lolol


//also expect some typos, its late and im tired


"LEON WHAT THE HECK, HOW DID YOU FIND US???" Shouted Y/n as we sprinted away on the back of an Arcanine.

"I think he put a tracker in you" joked Raihan.

"Of course i didnt! I respect your privacy!" Defended Leon.

"You didnt 'respect my privacy' when you read my diary in highschool, AND TRACKED DOWN THE BOY I LIKED JUST TO THREATEN HIM." Bursted Y/n.

"Just out of curiosity, who was it?" Prodded Raihan.

"Dont you guys want to know how i found you??" Pouted Leon. "It all started with your pokemon disobeying you and leaving the pokemon centre..."

"—and thats when me and Kabu set off to track you guys down" filled in Leon.

"Okay but how exactly did you rescue us, you literally came out of nowhere!" Said Raihan, throwing his hands in the air dramatically, but soon snapping them back to grasp onto Arcanines fur when he almost fell off.


Leon's pov

"Damn it team yell! You sick bastards! Give me back Y/n and Raihan or else!!!" I shouted, my fists turning white from how hard i was clenching them.

Me and Kabu had managed to find Y/n's scent trail with the help of his Ninetails and Pichu's cloth, so we got on the back of his Kabu's Arcanine and managed to catch team yell before they could load Y/n and Raihan onto the train to Spikemuth. Unfortunately, we had to leave Y/n's pokemon at the pokemon centre, seeing as how they weren't exactly obedient to me and i didnt want to lose them.

But now, i was facing off against three very strong looking team yell members, luckily, I had a strong gym leader by my side.

Sending out all three of my pokemon, i smirked, knowing that with Kabu, there was no way i could lose.

Thats when he awkwardly tapped me in the shoulder.

"Young challenger....unfortunately this is a battle you'll have to win by yourself" he sweatdropped.


"WHAT!??!!??? NO! WHY???" I protested, my confidence instantly shattering.

"Its gym challenge rules, leaders should under no circumstances get personally involved with challengers during the gym challenge season"

"Says who???!!!"

"The law"

"Damn it Kabu!! Fine, i'll do it myself" I growled, casting a dark look towards the three gang members.

"Oooo, look, this kid has a Kanto starter on his team, i bet that would fetch a pretty price" rasped one of them, eyeing Charmeleon as if it was a juicy Slowpoke tail.

"Yeah, and it would make up for our earlier...miscalculation. Those challengers we abducted were duds, they had no pokemon!" Fussed the other.

"We'll make you a deal kid, give us that Charmeleon and you can have your friends back" offered the third.

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