Chapter Six |:| Clumsy

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Heyooooo, so i am SO sorry that ive been gone so long, theres really no excuse other than the fact that i got busy and didnt feel like i could write properly. But now im back and i plan to continue updating! :3

It was dark......Y/n's lungs burned from running. Running so far, far away. She couldnt tell what she was running from but all she felt was cold air filling her lungs and pain.... so much pain coming from her wrists.





"Y/n wake up!! its 8:00 am, we slept in. Help me and Raihan get the tent down so we can get a move on to Galar Mine."

"LEON!!??" Y/n yelled as she sat up.

"Woah what, are you okay?" asked Leon

"What the-? Where am I? Bursted Y/n

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Oh....haha nevermind, it was just a bad dream" said Y/n, getting quiet and gently holding her wrists.

//btw, this dream is NOT a hint to self harm. Its a totally different thing//

"Was it because of that story I read last night?"

Then Y/n remembered what happened last night and her cheeks turned a light shade of pink, after Raihan fell asleep cuddling Y/n, he had eventually rolled over and let go of
Y/n and stayed like that until morning. Luckily Leon didn't notice that Raihan had made a move on Y/n last night because he was still bruised from the beating he got after the stadium incident.....

Shortly after they took down their tent, the trio ate breakfast. Now its time to face Galar mine. Eevee climbed up onto Y/n's shoulder and now they were ready.

The mine was dim and it took a minute before Y/n's eyes got used to the low light. Now she could see the various crystals lining the walls of the cave giving off a slight glow. It was beautiful

"Eeev!" Eevee was looking, starry eyed, at the crystals naturally embedded in the rocky barrier surrounding them.

Along with the gems in the wall, there were small fire-lit lanterns hanging from pegs that had been hammered into the rocky wall to help light the way- though, they didnt do much seeing as the flames inside were rather small.

"Hmm, we might end up taking a wrong turn in this dim light, Charmander! Help us light the way!" Leon shouted as he threw out Charmanders pokeball.

"Chaaar!" Said Charmander as it appeared from its Pokéball.


"Charmander is so tiny....the flame on its tail barely lights up anything other than the area around it....." commented Raihan.

"Dont blame Charmander, its doing its best!!! 3:<" shouted Leon.

"Char?" chirped Charmander, it very clearly did not know that it had been insulted.

Leon sighed and picked up Charmander, "lets just go and hope that we dont get lost" he said with a flat tone.

As they started walking through the cave, they came across a couple rails that had multiple Carcoal carrying coal on their back.

"Woahhhh look, arent those pokemon called Carcoal?" Mused Raihan

"Yeah, apparently theyre fire and rock types, we learned about them in trainer school." Explained Y/n.

⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon