Chapter 17 |:| BOOOM!

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I cant believe i have so many chapters for this book like holy, where did they even come from.

My nose was nipped by the fresh morning air, both me and Raihan were feeling great!And with our second badge, we were ready to set out and track down Leon. So currently, we made our way to Galar mine #2.

As usual, Raboot and Dratini walked at my feet while Eevee perched happily on my shoulder, humming to itself.

Raihan had Vibrava resting on his head, and both Goomy and Roggenrolla in his arms.

"Do you ever think about what we'll be like when we're older and finished with the gym challenge?" He pondered.

"Hmm, not really. I mean what is there to think about?" I responded, eyes on the path.

"Theres lots of stuff! What pokemon we'll have, whether or not we become the champion, who we....*ahem* who we end up with" he muttered.

"Hah! Who we end up with? Do you really think that far ahead?" I teased.

"W-well yeah, dont you?"

Locking eyes with him for a moment, i paused, thinking about the possibility that we might....

Snapping my head back towards the path, I stuttered, "i....i guess"

Eevee looked suspiciously back and forth between me and Raihan.

After a few awkward moments, i asked, "i mean, its not like i had anyone really in mind...i you?" I poked curiously, trying to see if there was any chance he was interested in me.

"A-anyone in m-mind..???!" He gulped, cheeks dusting pink.

"Yeah...i...i dont really care of course! Im just...curious is all..." i choked, pressing my lips together in an awkward fashion.

"You dont....oh. Uhm, well i guess theres- i mean...gah, i dont know, it was just a thought i had haha" he trailed off with a saddened look.

More awkward silence ensued. Deciding i couldnt take it anymore, i lifted Eevee off my shoulder and turner it to face me, holding it in the air like a baby.

"So, since you can Gigantamax, i guess you don't really want to evolve huh?"

Eevee gave me a confused stare and tipped its head. "Vee..?"

"I mean, you could be so many things! A Jolteon, Sylveon, Espeon, and so many others!"

Giving me a concerned look, it shook its head profusely, and looked at me with a touch of fear.

"Oh! No no, i dont mind at all if you choose not to evolve! I like you just the way you are! But if you want to evolve, then that would be fine with me too." I explained.

Looking relieved, Eevee gave me a meow of delight and scrambled back up onto my shoulder.

Raihan looked up at the sky, which threatened rain. "I wonder if theres going to be a storm today..."

Leons pov

That morning.....

I awoke with a start, the sun was already above the mountains!! I needed to get to Hulbury!

Packing up my makeshift camp, i slung my bag over my shoulder, and sprinted as fast as i could in the direction of the sea-town.


By the time i'd gotten there, it was almost noon, and the sky was groaned and shifted as if it was displeased by my tardiness.

⭐️🌊𝑂𝑐𝑒𝑎𝑛 𝐸𝑦𝑒𝑠🌊⭐️ |:| Raihan x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now