Chapter 27 |:| The ONE time

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This is late, sorry😭😭 got busy w chores and family stuff.


Y/n pov

I breathed out a heavy sigh. The lake water lapped at my shoulders, as if it were trying to make me feel better, but to no avail.

Nothing had really happened, but Y/n had a sinking feeling in her heart nonetheless.

"Nothing is actually wrong..." myself quietly.

Looking out over the waters surface, i saw Eevee and Dratini swimming gleefully. Eevee did a sort of paddle while Dratini slipped and slid across the surface with ease.

Raboot and Pichu sat together under a nearby tree, enjoying the sunshine.

I was shoulder deep in water, sitting on a large rock that stood under the surface.

Tipping my head to the side, i recalled what had happened when me and Raihan were kidnapped. It was all fuzzy, and i couldn't remember the exact words spoken but one thing stuck out to me.

I had almost kissed him.

And he pushed me away.

That was the only evidence i needed, right?

I dipped in lower to the water, my feet finding a steep drop off. Who knew this lake was so deep?

But as i put my full weight on the rocky floor, a part of it caved in, sucking me under the surface.

Bubbles escaped my mouth as i cried out in pain, the rocks closed tight around my ankle. Acting quickly, i tucked down and attempted to pry the rocks away, my stomach twisted in fear as they didnt budge.

If i could just reach the surface, maybe there would be a floating branch or something i could use. I stretched my arm up, but it was still inches from breaching the surface.

"Im running out of air!" I panicked.

A sense of relief washed over me as Eevees brown muzzle came into view. Its demeanour instantly changing to fright when it saw me, trapped. I heard it cry for help from the other pokemon. But Pichu is just a baby and Raboot is a fire type—they wont be much help.

Thats when Dratini rushed to my side under the surface, seeing where i had been trapped.

My vision went blurry, i couldnt hold on much longer. My senses seemed to dull as everything went numb.

A blinding light was the last thing i saw before i felt my ankle ripped out from its trap. Everything came back as i gasped for air, the wind hitting me so hard it stung my skin.

"What just...happened..."

Leon pov

As we were walking back, we talked casually, which was nice considering the bomb that Raihan had just dropped on me. Like seriously—how am i supposed to react to something like that??

I didnt even know how i felt about it first instinct is to punch Raihans stupid face for even thinking hes good enough for Y/n.

But on the other hand...

Raihan is my best friend. I know hes a good person and even though i dont like it, i trust him to take care of Y/n. He's already done so when i had my little...freak out. And if she likes him back....

The very thought of it made me sick. But also...a sort of excitement ran through me. My best friend and my sister, together. Shouldnt i be happy about that?

Me and Raihan had decided to battle before we headed back, after all, Y/n is fine to wait right? And i wanted to test Axews strength.

Raihan sent out his Roggenrolla, seeing as how it needed the experience. But i could tell he was really fired up that i had caught a dragon type.

We clashed back and fourth and surprisingly, Axew was able to handle pretty well, it was stronger than i had anticipated. We landed a very big hit on Raihan and i decided to bug him a little.

"I think Kabu was right bud, your Roggenrolla really does need to evolve" i chuckled.


A blinding light shone between the two of us, causing us to squint.

As soon as it subsided, my jaw dropped and i greatly regretted my comment.

"NO WAY!" I shouted, pointing at what used to be Raihans clumsy Roggenrolla.

It was now much bigger and sturdy looking. A Boldore.


With one hit, Axew fainted.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!!" I yelled.

Raihan of course was laughing so hard i thought he might die.

"Its not funny-"


Both me and Raihan froze as we heard a familiar pokemon cry out.

Without another word, we returned our pokemon and bolted for the lake.

There, was a drenched, panicked Eevee, and Raboot and Pichu looking down into the lake in concern.

"Wheres Y/n??" I questioned as we reached the lakeside.


I took a step back as something burst out of the water, it didnt take me long to recognize it as Dratini but- wait no.

"Thats a Dragonair..." breathed Raihan in awe as it floating across the sky, gently drifting down to the ground.

On its back was Y/n coughing up a storm and weakly sitting up.

My heart wrenched. The ONE time i leave her alone, she nearly drowns. Yeah. Not happening ever again.

"Y/n! What happened?!" I said as i rushed to her side, Raihan following on my heels.

"There- *COUGH* i got- *cough cough* trapped under the *pant* surface."

I helped her lean back onto the grass. She was wet and cold, but thats when i noticed a mark on her torso.

"Y/ that" i choked.

There, on her side was a newly healed over scar. Not a small one either. It looked like she had been stabbed or something.

Y/n tensed and she put a hand over the mark.

"It....ah...i guess i cant hide it forever" she said, catching her breath.

I looked to Raihan and he couldnt meet my eyes, he just stared at the grass, guilt ridden.

"Y/n. What. Happened." I asked sternly.

She stood up and walked to her pile of clothes. "Its from when i fell" she said simply, but the words caught on her throat as if she didnt want to say them.

I crumbled down to the ground. All the reflection that i had done to stop thinking about what had happened, how i couldnt save her, how i ran like a coward. I had finally stopped being bothered by it. I thought i had moved on.

It all came rushing back.

Clutching my chest in attempt to slow my quickening breathing. I stayed silent.

"She has a permanent reminder that im a bad brother"

"It wasnt my fault though."

"It wasnt me who pushed her"

"I couldnt have done anything to prevent her tipping over the edge"

"Could i?"

Lots of things are being discovered in the wild area

Stay safe friends!💖

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