Chapter 23: Audition

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Soon, the camp was back to normal. No bad things happening, but we got a lot of stares from people since you know..what happened. We where all currently at the cafe just eating breakfast. I ate some strawberries, Vinnie sat next to me eating my strawberries from my plate, Charli ate a sandwich, and the rest ate as well. I was wearing this:

Something simple, just how I like it

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Something simple, just how I like it. "So do you guys think they're holding the auditions today?" Tyler asks. "Probably not, isn't it a little early" Caleb says, he licks oatmeal off his spoon. "I mean, I don't know we don't have any acting experience so we are most definitely not getting the spots" I say. "I mean maybe we where naturally born actors and can make the parts" Olivia says.

We laugh. "I'm serious" she says, with a chuckle.

"Hello everyone! Announcements!" One of the main camp councilors yell, standing on top of a table. Classic.

Everyone stops talking as they listen. "Auditions hold for the play Jayde and the 5 today right after breakfast! So hurry and make your line to be the first to audition!" He yells. Everyone cheers. "Looks like a lot of people auditioned" I say.

"The parts we signed up for weren't the only parts either, there was a mom, dad, counselor, and other parts. Seems realistic" Charli says. "Right, anyways come on we don't wanna be late! I also don't wanna miss all the people embarrassing themselves on stage" Tyler says getting up from the table. We all get up, getting stares again. We throw away our stuff.


We finally get to the theater hall. "I really didn't know we had a theater here" olivia says. "Same here" I say as we all enter, there was many people in there and auditioning already. "Oh this is gonna be great" Caleb says.

Everything in here was actually pretty nice.

"Let's sit down" I say, as we all take a seat, we where gonna watch auditions.

Some woman comes up to us giving us all a paper. It was khali, the girl from the Stand the other day. "Hey guys! Glad you guys can make it! We will call your name when it's time for you guys to audition! We still have a couple people ahead so go ahead and watch" she says with a smile, walking back to the table in front of the stage where they tell you if you are good or whatever. Not sure how it works.

"Hello, I'm Ellie Zelberx im 16 and I am auditioning for the roll of Jayde!" A girl on stage says. Some people clap.

As we watched audition through audition, it was Vinnies turn. He was the first one of the group to get called first. "Vincent Hacker! You are next as you auditioned for the roll for victor!" Khali says through a mic. "Wish me luck" he says getting out of his seat. He walks up stage, with the paper in his hands. Everyone stared at him. "Uh hi I'm vinnie..I'm auditioning for the roll for victor. I just want to tell you I have zero acting experience so wish me luck" he says.

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