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Taylor's Pov
"I got her snap!" Anna said excitedly.

I looked at her and smiled. She showed me the girl with the name Lily Potters.

"Thank you." She said and I nodded.

"Now what about you?" She asked me.

"I don't know. I may find someone at my dads party. He's inviting you. Take lily as your plus one." I said and she nodded excitedly.

She started to text Lily when I saw my dad walking into the room.

"Wear this. Buyers are gonna be more interested. Including James." He said holding up a scarlet red dress.

"James can fuck a dick." I said looking back at my phone.

I always make safe words with people I have sex with. Like me and Anna ours is the color white.

I made a simple safe word with James with red and he didn't seem to care. He just wanted a good fuck.

He ignored my safe word when it got too much for me because the dickwad couldn't stop cumming.

"James's father is having a deal with me. We may arrange a marriage between you and James." He said and I looked at him.

"No I'm not marrying that douche. He's fucking Retarded and he's bad at sex." I said and he laughed.

"You'll get use to him. But for the time being. Behave." He said and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever." I said.

I never told anyone about James. It was complete trauma after that day and I never spoke to him again.

"You good?" Anna asked braking me out of my thoughts.

I nodded to her question and grabbed my guitar.

"Wanna hear a new song?" I asked her and she nodded excitedly.

"The song is called Trampoline." I said and she smiled.

The song contained of drums and a guitar. I learned how to play the guitar when I was 7. Dad taught me how to play.

I recorded the drums and played it at the same time with my guitar. I looked at Anna who was listening intently.

I've been havin' dreams
Jumpin' on a trampoline
Flippin' in the air
I never land, just float there
As I'm looking up
Suddenly the sky erupts
Flames alight the trees
Spread to fallin' leaves
Now they're right upon me

Anna's the only person that's heard me sing. As I continued to play it she smiled.

I've been having dreams
Splashin' in a summer stream
Trip and I fall in
I wanted it to happen
My body turns to ice
Crushin' weight of paradise
Solid block of gold
Lying in the cold
I feel right at home

Towards the end when it stopped playing I looked at Anna.

"You have such a good talent. Your gonna be a superstar." She said.

"I don't know..." I mumbled.

"I don't even have the grades for that." I said.

"You don't need to. You just need money. Come work at the coffee shop with me and you can get started." She said.

"Thanks but I'm lazy for that." I said and she rolled her eyes.

"If you don't release your first music before 20 I'm gonna max out your credit card." She said and I scoffed.

"Impossible." I said.

"Deal?" She asked.

"Deal." I said.


"Hey sweetie." I heard seeing dad walk into my room.

"Oh dad..." I mumbled looking at the beer bottle he had.

"I just want to tell you..." he said taking another drink.

"I love you. And you have a bright future ahead of you." He said and I smiled.

He's the opposite when drinking. He's mad when he's sober but nice when he's drunk.

"Thanks dad. But you should go to bed." I said and he shook his head no.

"I know it's been very hard since mom passed away. But she's always looking out for you." He said and I couldn't help but smile.

"She was the best mother you could ask for."

"And she loved you so so much." He said drunkly.

"And I love you too kiddo." He said setting the bottle on my vanity desk.

"And I know I may be a bad dad. But I'm really tryin here." He said.

"Yeah I know... I know you are." I mumbled.

"Well don't stay up to late." He said leaving.

I smiled and continued to work knowing he's gonna be a complete bitch about James in the morning.

I was working on my essay for creative writing. I like to write more of a poem instead of a full on essay.

My arms started to get tired and I changed positions trying to get comfier and start typing.

When I was finished I turned it in and dropped my head onto my laptop falling asleep.

Anna's POV

"There's a party... not like a party for teenagers. My friend's Dad is having a party and he invited me." I said and Lily looked at me.

"And... I-I was wondering if you... wanted to be my plus one." I stuttered.

I felt embarrassed. What if she rejected me. What if I'm not good enough for you? God that would be even more embarrassing.

She looked at me and busted out laughing.

"Why are you laughing..." I mumbled feeling an overwhelming feeling.

"Your so nervous it's really funny. I'm sorry. But of course I'll go with you." She said and I nodded and sighed a relief.

"What should I wear?" She asked me.

"I Uhm. I'll be wearing a suit. So you might wanna wear a dress. It's a fancy part like the chandeliers and champagne. Even though we're underage her dad doesn't care." I said and she nodded.

"Your really cute when your nervous." She said giving me a kiss on the cheek.

I froze on my position. Those lips felt really smooth.

"You coming? We gotta go dress shopping." She said and I nodded.

I caught up with her holding her hand as we walked to my car.

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