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Anna's POV
"She didn't use our safe word. She used a regularly one." Sage said nervously.

"You'll be fine. I'm sure it was a messed up mistake." I said.

"You think I could have gone too far?" Sage kept asking.

"Just have aftercare ready. Be ready with what your going to do. And getting us would probably make her think your using her. Which was a bad idea." I said and she looked at me.

"You kept complaining!" She said.

I rolled my eyes and put my arm over Lily who was asleep. We drove back and stopped on the way to get some food.

When we arrived to the house Sage almost immediately ran in. I walked into the room to see Sage panicking.

"Taylor. Hey wake up." I said bending down next to the bed.

She had puffy red eyes and looks like she's been crying for awhile. I looked at Sage who was in fear.

"Taylorrrr" I sung.

Sage left because she thought she was the reason. Lily was asleep so I put her in our bed and slipped in with Taylor to make sure she was okay.

Late night she woke up in a panic and found me.

"Sage feels really bad." I said.

"I-I just.. I didn't want to see her." She said.

"Did you fake sleep? Before falling asleep?" I asked her and she smiled nervously.

"Why are you scared? You had a safe word." I said.

"Yeah well I thought me and James did too." She grumbled switching sides.

"This isn't about Sage this is about James. That's what you need to tell Sage. Not me." I said.

"But-" I cut her off.

"No. Now get your butt over there." I grabbing her and pushing her in the living room.

"I'm going to go to bed with Lily." I said rubbing my eyes and going away.

"Hi." I whispered climbing in the bed with Lily.

"Where were you?" She asked me.

"Calming Sage and Taylor down. Sorry." I mumbled as she nuzzled her head into my neck.

She fell asleep fast with light snored into my neck.

Taylor's Pov
"I-I am so sorry. I didn't mean to go so far. I feel like this is all my fault. Wait. No. I mean this is all my fault." Sage rambled on.

I kissed her to shut her up. Her words muffled before giving up and into the kiss. I sat on her lap letting my head fall on her shoulder.

"I am... extremely... exhausted." I mumbled as she wrapped her arms around me.

"Good." Sage said evilly.

"I feel bad. I Uh I've had some bad experiences with Sage words." I said.

"So... I'm sorry." I mumbled.

"I love you..." I whispered.

"Wait- what did you just say?" She asked me.

"Nothing. Can we go to bed?" I asked her.

She sighed before carrying me and landing on the bed with a thud. Harder then a rock...

"Oh God..." I winced as she looked at me.

"I bought you something..." she whispered.

"Wait what." I said.

"KITTY!" She said.

She brought out a kitten that had dark brown fur with white spots around his face. The kitten was a she and the tail had little white spots. The yes we're yellow and blue with different shades as the cat put a paw on my lip.

"You know what she reminds me of?" I mumbled and Sage looks at me.

"Catra from the show and of she-ra." I said as the kitten put her paws on my face.

"She's hot asf even though she's a literal cartoon." I said.

"You can name her anything you want." Sage whispered and I looked at her.

"Catra... Catra applesauce meow meow." I said and she looked at me weirdly.

"That's her full name. Give me a break." I said and she laughed.

"Your so cute." I whispered as I took the kittens paw making her dance.

I scratched behind her ears softly and on her chin as the kitten purred against me.

"Is the cat stealing you from me?" Sage asked me as I grumbled.

"Yes deal with it bitch." I said and she groaned.

The kitten fell asleep on my chest as Sage pulled me closer to her.

"Goodnight." She whispered.


"You bought her... a kitten?" Anna said in disbelief as I brought Catra to the table.

She jumped on my shoulder and sat on my shoulder as I stayed completely still.

"Oh my god..." Lily said.

"She's so fucking cute." Lily said and I smiled.

"It made you happy so I bought you a kitten." She said.

"What's her name." Lily asked me.

"Catra Applesauce meow meow." I said proudly and they all looked at me.

"Oh yeah. The cat from the show. She ra. God she was so hot." Anna said.

"I know right! You guys are watching it with us." I said and Sage smiled.

Catra jumped on my head biting my hair. I didn't mind as I continued to eat my food.

I could feel Catra purring against my hair. She started to push her paws in my hair before sitting comfortable.

I made sure to be alert in case she falls. Sometimes cats don't land on their feet.


Sorry y'all. I kinda got too obsessed with this show cartoon. Yes I have huge ass crush on Catra and find myself having a thing for brunette characters.

Anyways I'll try to update faster and as well Taylor and Anna will not be together until the end of the book. This book is going to be long so buckle up it's gonna be a long ride.

And yes I will assure you... Taylor and Anna do get together.

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