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Taylor's Pov
I was so close to graduating with grades that would passing. Fuck college, was never going anyways.

Sage was next to me holding my waist and her head on my chest. I smiled kissing the top her head as I went on my phone.

I watched Anna and Camilla hang out and other friends. Lance got a new girlfriend. Proud of him.

I watched as all these people I've known nearly my whole life grew up. And I'm especially proud of Anna too.

I just stared at the wall after while Sage was asleep. Plane took the energy out of her. I was suddenly hungry but I couldn't move.

"Sage... I'm hungry." I mumbled.

"Just shhhhhh..." she said as I rolled my eyes.

I started to move around before feeling Sage pinning my body down to try and stop me.

"Motherfucker if you don't get up in will smack you." I said as she groaned getting up.

I got up going downstairs to see dad. He looked at me as he smiled. Looking around to see the bottles and cans in the room.

"You told me you would stop." I said.

"Oh Pfft... we both know that was never bound to happen." He said as I sighed.

"Dad... could have you at least tried?" I asked dumping them into the recycling bin.

"Could have you at least fucking tried? What your doing all this shit, drugs, weed, alcohol." He said as I looked at him.

"Don't fucking talk to me about relapse." He said walking away.

I felt a single tear go down but quickly wiping it away and getting some food before racing upstairs.

Sage was asleep so I just ate and binged watched the rest of vampire diaries. When Sage did wake up she groaned and looking at me.

"Morning sleepyhead." I said.

"I want some." She said grabbing a few chips as I slapped her hand.

"You were to lazy to get up. So no." I said as she rolled her eyes.

"You wanna go for a late night target run?" She asked me and I looked at her.

"Yes obviously. Please." I said and she smiled as I shoved the food in my mouth.

We went to target as soon as we could getting snacks and drinks. Sage was getting Pokémon cards for fun and she bought a whole stack of them.

"Are you really getting Pokémon card you immature child." I said and she rolled her eyes as the cashier looked at us like we were buying alcohol.

"Look Lady, were mature enough what we fucking want. You gonna check us out or not?" I asked and she just sighed before finishing us off.

We laughed as we got home and binge watching the rest of the harry potters.

Its a filler chapter Ik Ik short as shit but... I have hot mfing girlfriend that asked me out a few days ago. IT WAS LITERALLY THE PERSON I WAS TELLING YOU GUYS.

And I probably won't be posting as much anymore bc I actually have a life now...

I love you guys and I will still post as much as I can :)

How did I pull-

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