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Anna's POV
We were going to have a car for Taylor when she gets back. We've tried visiting for Taylor at rehab but she never wanted to come out.

"Hello? This is Anna correct?" I heard behind me as I turned.

"Who are you? Why are you at my house?" I asked and she gulped.

"Can we go get coffee? I promise I'm not trying to trick you I just have something to tell you." She said.

"Why would I do that, I don't even know your name." I said and she just stared at me.

"My names Bailey." She said and the name was familiar.

"I-ll explain everything just please." She said as I let out a groan before getting into her car.

We stopped at a local coffee shop. We ordered and sat down.

"Whatever Taylor said was true." She blurted.

"Taylor? Wait what. Your the dealer?" I asked.

"No... I didn't exactly deal her." She said.

"Fucking spit it out before I make a scene." I threatened.

"Okay okay... my mom has cancer. Taylor offered to pay for her chemo since we barely have money." she said.

"Than how the fuck do you get drugs from?" I asked.

"I- can we just focus here?" She whispered in guilt.

"I drugged Taylor three times." She said and my hands immediately tightened.

I was so stupid to not believe her.

"I was paid to do it... if I had enough money to get chemotherapy for my mom I could do it." She said.

"I know what I did was wrong. I visited Taylor just before she went through rehab." She kept fidgeting with the coffee lid.

"She gave me 15 grand... just to pay for my moms chemo." She continued as I was on the edge of holding myself back to punch the absolute shit out of her.

"Taylor would have never broken your promise. It was my fault and if you want... report me to the police." She said with guilt.

"I fucking should. That is so fucking stupid. Your fucking stupid!" I yelled as everyone started to look at us.

"Taylor would have never wanted this because Taylor as been through so much. Fuck you." I said leaving her.

I went to the rehab to visit Taylor if she wanted to see me. I started across the room for her as she never showed up.

"Your here for Taylor?" I heard seeing a nurse. I nodded and she smiled.

"She left you this." She said as she handed me a paper.


First of all fuck you, second of all.. I'd get it. I wouldn't believe myself either. It's been a little hard out here. I love you and please understand that this is very hard. Stop visiting me, I'm not gonna show up, but please don't tell anyone about this. It's hard to think about this.

P.S. please keep Catra well fed and cuddles, I miss her.

"And she would like for you to take these." She said handing me another note card. One to her dad and one for her brother.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled.

I looked around to see if Taylor could still pop up somewhere. Through a window I could see her and she did not look good...

I waved as she did a little wave back but left immediately. When I got to Taylor'a house I gave the note to her dad.

What made me angry is that he threw it away.

"Your daughter wrote that for you." I said taking it out of the trash.

"Fuck off. I didn't want to raise a daughter who did drugs." He said.

"HAVE SOME SENSE!" I yelled sticking the note to his chest.

"So what?! She screwed up. You've screwed up her life so much, you don't get a say in this." I said and he looked at me.

"Taylor is missing half of her senior year." I said and he just chuckled.

"And who's fault was that? Plus it's not like she'll get any better from rehab. I mean sure she will quit but after all... it's Taylor." He said and I just slapped him hard.

"Oh yeah? Who cleans up after you? Who cleans up all your beers and broken glass after you've had a drunk night?" I asked and that got him silent.

"Who took care of you after your wife died?" I asked.

"You have no self respect for anyone. You should be thanking Taylor. But instead you abuse her in so many ways." I said slapping the note down for him.

"Read the thing is the least you could do for her. After everything you put her through." I said and with that, I walked out.

Taylor's Pov
I was sent homework and subjects on a computer. I was not allowed a cell phone to which is why I had a nurse send notes to Anna.

I don't want anyone looking for me or wanting to visit me. I hated to feel guilty in front of my best friend because no one would believe me.

Even if I was drugged, I feel that I was my fault. I could have not gone the second time. I feel... in a vulnerable state.

I fell for my bestfriend...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora