FOUR: hell hole

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"hey celine!" i answered my work phone.

"i missed you we need to meet soon at the club, maybe have some drinks. papa made me start working at his company and i have so many bloody papers to sign, my fingers are burning! i need a night off." she dramatically said.

"why are you really calling?" i rolled my eyes.

"i don't want us to seem dodgy in front of our family. mama asked me what happened to our friendship and i had to lie to her. you know i hate lying to her." she replied.

"too bad you didn't hate lying to me. i'm not meeting with you, you figure yourself out." i shook my head even if she couldn't see me.

"aren't you terrified that maybe they'll find out? throw a whole investigation?" she questioned.

"no not really. honestly don't care if they find out anymore." i shrugged.

"ugh, have you lost the plot? thomas astor is going to fucking kill you! my father is going to kill me if he even thought- sadie, i'm begging you, please. i can't have this ruin my life!" celine was on the verge of crying.

"hey look i'm knackered, have no energy for this non sense. you should've thought about this when i actually liked you celine, and if you really didn't want to get busted you wouldn't have called, especially on my work phone."

"you weren't picking up-" she said but i hung up. she called again and again and again but i ignored everytime. suffer. not the kind i wanted to achieve but it's what i can do for now.

"ms. astor, celine is keeping me from doing my work. i need to make some phone calls for you and she's not allowing me to do so." penelope stood awkwardly at my door.

"i'll handle it." i sighed.

penelope nodded and hurried back to her desk. i extended my drawer, where my phone was unlocked, went to recent calls and clicked on celine's contact. wasn't hard to find it since i have millions of missed calls.

"sadie please." celine answered the phone.

"no. stop calling to my office, papa monitors everything i do in this building. have you lost the plot? i don't give a fuck what you do, if you think your parents are on to you then it's your problem not mine."

"aren't you worried? scared for yourself?" she asked, sobbing on the other line.

"i don't give a fuck anymore, don't you understand? i. don't. care."

"no that doesn't make sense" her crying got quieter as she grew confused.

"if you want to out me, do it. if you want to keep running and surviving with a lie tieing you down then do that. i. don't. give. a single. shit what happens to you or even me. take care of yourself you're not a fucking baby anymore celine, grow the fuck up." i hung up the phone, she didn't call back. i sighed sitting on my office chair with my hand messaging my temples very aggressively.

she acts like she didn't wrong me in worst ways possible and expects to pretend nothing happened i have enough self respect to not fall for her shit anymore, but she doesn't seem to realize just how much i would love to run a sharp knife through her throat.

unidentified | billie eilish fanfictionWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt