TWENTY - ONE: girl talk

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claudia and i haven't talked to each other since that day. my mama is hosting a little get together for easter today so i'm finally going to face her. i don't want to make a scene there because it's bad enough my brother knows about this, my parents don't need to.

now let's talk about the "problem" itself. after smoking weed and having sex at her place, i think we are in a great place. i know we are not going towards a relationship, just a friendship with benefits. i'm okay with that, but need to talk about it to someone. preferably not claudia.

"how dare you start without me!" i walked into my childhood backyard, where my parents, fin and claudia and tytus where located. sitting on the outdoor chairs.

"we didn't start shit, you're just on time!" dad walked over to me to give me a hug. "you're glowing." he took another look at me. "isn't she glowing? honey?"

my cheeks started to blush and i looked at my feet attempting to get my hair in my face. "oh yeah she's blushing too." mama gave me a hug then whispered in my ear. "who's the lucky girl?"

"no one mom." i rolled my eyes.

"how come i haven't heard anything about this 'no one'?" drew's voice came from behind me making me turn around faster than a turnado and attack her with a hug. i haven't seen her since last year, she's been working towards her degree and i've been doing my own thing, so we didn't really have time to see each other ever. until now i guess.

"what are you doing here!?" i still didn't let her go, maybe i miss her more than i'm willing to admit.

"maggie invited me, and i couldn't say no after almost a year of not seeing you guys." she squeezed me harder. "you're gonna tell me about her right?" she whispered.

i pulled away and held both her hands for a second, looking her on the eyes. "yes, of course." i mouthed.

"if i didn't know you guys i'd think you were in a relationship." finneas stood up to greet drew and i went to help set up the easter table since everyone started greeting her too.

"tytus!" mom called out.

"what!" he came running. mom gave him a little decorated basket and told him to go look for his eggs.

"a.b! help!" he called out.

"you want me to help you?" i walked over to him.

"yes! look up!" he pointed towards an egg hidden between the branches of the tree.

"you want me to lift you up?" i held him by his waist and lifted him until he grabbed the egg and put it in his basket.

"a.b strong!" he ran away to look for more eggs.

"hell yeah i am." i smiled.

"are you allowed to say hell in front of him?" drew questioned.

"heck and hell are allowed." i nodded.


after spending some time with family and avoiding claudia, which wasn't hard since she was also avoiding me, drew and i went into my childhood room. "so tell me about this girl you've been keeping a secret from me." drew said, laying on her stomach, hand under her chin to keep her head up.

"so okay her name is violet." i started.

"i love that name." she gushed.

"shush, i talk then you talk." i shut her up.

"okay then, keep going." she chuckled.

"she has this long dark red hair, blue eyes, pale skin. she's from london, her voice with her accent is so soothing, she so sweet to me and her style is immaculate. actually i met her at a thrift shop, she works there. wait no i'm gonna start from the beginning."

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