TWENTY - TWO: reconnect

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"is she really not talking to you because of me?" violet frowned.

"yeah." i said, tucking her sheets under my arm. "i mean we avoided each other the last time we had a family gathering. so i guess i played my part in this."

"i don't nessarliy like her but doesn't she mean a lot to you? why would you waste your time being mad at her? you should go talk to her, make up. it's been too long, love."

"you really think so?" i raised a brow and layed on my side to look at her and she nodded at me. "but what would i even say? i didn't do anything wrong, she's the one that is sticking her nose into my business."

"you're not wrong, but claudia is only looking out for you. if i wasn't me, i would've reacted the same way, talk to her." she moved a piece of hair from my face.

"i don't get why she hates you though, you literally returned her lost son to her." i rolled my eyes.

"i know why she hates me." she muttered.

"what did you do?" i asked.

"nothing, you know me. i barley tolerate anyone, she just doesn't like my attitude." she answered.

"doesn't it bother you? that some people think that you're an asshole?" i asked.

"most people, and i could care less what they think about me, but there are a handful of people in this world that i can't lie to myself about, not caring about them." she answered. "i may act like i don't care and they may think that i don't care, but i do. even arseholes are human."

"you are the opposite of an asshole."

"to you." she corrected.

i wonder if i'm one of those people she cares about. she just said 'to you', so if she's nice to me then that must mean she at least cares about me a little bit. that must mean something.

"i'm gonna get in the shower, do you want to join?" she raised a brow.

"hell yeah i do."


i walked violet to work and headed home. i changed my clothes and had some time to think while my uber was on the way.

"hey sis!" finneas hugged me at the front door. "are finally going to make up?"

"i'm not apologizing, i didn't do anything wrong."

"i know you didn't." he whispered. "you two are so stubborn."

"oh look who it is." claudia said as soon as she saw me.

"we need to talk."

"yeah no shit" she agreed. "so.."

"you had no right to tell me she can't be my friend." i said.

"billie, cut the bullshit you're not her 'friend' and you'll never be her 'friend', i'm not a moron, i am your friend, i am your family and i am telling you she is bad news." claudia replied.

"okay maybe you're right, but that still doesn't mean you can stop me from having her in my life." i sighed. "do you want the truth? i wouldn't have come here today if it weren't for her, and look claudia, i love you but i feel this connection with her. i can't let go of her, not yet at least. why can't you understand that?"

"she told you to talk to me?" she frowned.

"yeah she did, just this morning." i nodded.

"great you're having morning calls too." claudia looks fed up.

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