TWENTY - NINE: do better

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this thing happening with billie is making me soft because drew is sleeping on shoulder. i don't even know drew and she sleeping on my shoulder.

"dr. byrne! how's billie, is everything okay is she doing okay?" mrs. o'connell stood up, i shook drew awake to hear what was coming.

"the surgery went well, there were some complications but she's stable. we are keeping her an eye on her overnight, the nurses are relocating her to her room now. they'll come and fetch you when they're ready, but billie is still coming out from the anastasia." the doctor said.

"so she'll be fine, everything will be back to normal in a couple weeks?" drew asked.

"there are still post op complications, but she is stable and we'll do everything in our power to make sure she stays like that." he answered before walking away.

"i don't think we should all be in the room at once, i'm afraid she'll be overwhelmed. so i'm just going to wait until she wakes up and you guys talk to her." i informed them.

"yeah i think that's a good idea maggie, you and patrick go in there with fin and clauds maybe, violet and i will hang back a little till you put your minds at rest and she wakes up." drew agreed.

"yeah okay." ms. o'connell nodded.

"mr and mrs. o'connell?" a nurse approached us, "i'll take you to your daughter's room."

"we'll text you the room number." finneas said before he got up and walked behind his parents.

"you okay?" drew asked.

"yeah, i'm doing just fine." i nodded.

"okay good." she nodded too. "cause you know she probably won't look too good in that room, you know that right?" she waited for an answer.

"yes i know that." i gave her a certain look. "see that's why i went to the toilet, i break down once, just once in front of someone and they think am this fragile baby that could break at any given moment. you know i have lived how many years of my life getting panic attacks? i never needed any help from anyone, and i certainly don't need you checking on me, i don't even know you." i lectured.

"jeez i was just trying to be nice." she looked the other way. "now i see the side everyone talks about." she mumbled to herself, but she definitely also wanted me to hear that.

"just— you know what? i'll just go. when finneas sends the room number you go in, i'll be there when i get there." i shook my head.

"where are you going?"

"non of your bloody business drew." i stressed.


i took some time alone and waited for her family to spend time with her. i find it ridiculous that she said my name in that ambulance when she has this many people that would show up for her. she should've called for her mother, or claudia, or finneas, i just don't get, why me?

i can see drew behind the glass doors of her room, i can't catch a glimpse of her. but drew is smiling and talking to her which eases my nerves. i was walking very slowly to her room like i was lost.

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