THIRTY- SEVEN: protect me?

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"happy new year." she lifted my chin and kissed my lips softly. i placed my hands on her neck, taking a step closer to her. she cupped my jaw in return—

"get a room, it's just a new years kiss." liam interrupted.

"you know what? okay." violet took my hand and lead me outside.

"what!?" he frowned

"v he's all alone in there." i tried to get her to slow down instead of dragging me into dragon.

"no one asked him to third wheel us, i don't like him anyways." she stated and opened the car door for me , i got in and waited for her to walk around the car and open the driver's door to respond.

"i know but he didn't have anyone to spend time with." i reasoned.

"sounds like a him problem, i shouldn't have to suffer because he has no friends." she started the car.

"where are we going?" i asked.



"because i want you."

"it's killing you that i was the one that fucked you last huh?" i chuckled.

"no." she said, unconvincingly.

"i love you." i smiled.

"you're going to love me even more in a few minutes, just wait." she replied.

"you didn't say it." i frowned.

"i love you more than you can ever imagine, billie." she took my hand and squeezed it tightly.

"if we had a kid what would you name them?" i asked.

"i haven't thought about that." she admitted. "i didn't think i could ever have children."

"you not?"

"cause of what my family thought of people like me, i couldn't see a future for myself, ever." she explained.

"and now?"

"i see a future with you, hopefully, but i still can't believe myself. i keep sabotaging myself and during the whole mix i keep hurting you." she answered.

"so you do think of a future with me." i smirked, avoiding opening a conversation of our past problems.

"of course i do, what do you mean? here i'll tell you what id name them, i like the name flora or emery and for a boy- actually i don't want a boy." she shook her head.

"you realize that you can't choose?" i laughed.

"i know, but she will listen to her mother and be a beautiful girl." she shrugged.

"so we're going to have only girls?" i questioned.

"yes." she confirmed.

"how many?"

"i don't care as long as i have them with you and i'm not pregnant." she answered.

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