THIRTY - NINE: saftey on?

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"please, get yourself comfortable. the first meeting always turns out to be the longest." a hispanic man welcomed me in his office. "why don't we start with why you're here."

"i know this one person and they're really close to me, but i know they're lying to me about a lot of things. i want to know everything."

"...but." he looked at me, waiting for me to continue.

"i want them to tell me what's going on, but they told me that i'd never know, that i can't know." i explained. "i'm scared that i'm in trouble, or they're in trouble."

"first off, it's either you want me to dig on this person or you don't. you choose. second off, you can't protect their identity from me, i will find out who you're talking about in a fast minute." he leaned back on his chair.

"i— i want you to dig on her." i nodded.

"good." he nodded once. "tell me everything you know about her that you think is relevant."

"if you find something illegal are you going to get her in trouble for that?" i asked.

"not if she's not a danger to society." he shook his head. "do you think that she's a danger to society?"

"no." i shook my head.

"alright then, tell me about her."

"violet taylor wilson, twenty two years old, turning twenty three on january eighteen, she has a cat, an orange one naked pumpkin. she's british, from london." i started.

"keep going, she's your girlfriend. don't hold back." he instructed.

"we've been together for six months now, but she just moved here eight to nine months ago. she has an apartment in pretty good area." i kept going.

"you're holding back." he shook his head.

"she has a gun, she told me it's because she lives alone and she needs it to protect herself. oh and she works in pulchritudindous, she just bought a car, forgot what kind. she hates her dad, but she seems to care for her mother, she never mentioned any siblings or anything like that." i continued and told him everything i knew.

"good, anything else you can think of?" he nodded.

"no i don't think so." i shook my head.

"i'll call you when i'm done or i'll call you for an update immediately if i think she might be a danger to you." he told me.

"alright." i nodded getting up from my seat, i shook his hand and went out and into dragon.

"what did i do?" i whispered to myself. what did i do? what did i do? what did i do? what if she really is trouble and she hiding it from me and now he's gonna find out? i don't want her to get caught. i want her to stay with me here.

i just want her to hold me and tell me the sweet things she tells me. i want to not be lied to by her, i want to know the truth. i know i wanted us to be us for so long but i just can't keep going in this relationship if it's like this. me allowing her to keep things from me and lie to me all the time. that isn't a relationship.

i shouldn't even ask her to be truthful with me, it's obvious it's what she's supposed to be with me. maybe getting a private investigator in on this, was way too much but i didn't know what to do. she takes a gun with her everywhere for fucks sake!

i've been avoiding her since that day the gun was on the floor of my bathroom. i didn't completely cut contact i simply asked for some space, i don't know if i feel safe around her anymore.

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