EIGHT: party

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"violet, i'm going to head out for the day. i can trust you to lock up on your own right?" aaliyah said, as i was ringing up a customer.

"aly i don't think it's a good idea to leave a new employee alone in the store to lock up. anything could happen, you can't just blindly trust them. but because it me, you know you're gonna be fine. so what? do you have a date?" i teased.

"first trust me after what you just said i am not trusting a new employee ever, but you are just way too reliable. also yes i do have a date, and what about it?" she looked the other way as she wore her coat.

"good luck love." i winked at her.

"you can't call me love with that accent and expect me not to melt to the ground. how dare you? i'm going on a date and now you're making me all flustered and shit." aaliyah widened her eyes.

"thank you for your purchase, hope to see you back soon." i handed the customer i was dealing with their bag.

"why are you still standing there? go! you're gonna be late for your date!" i kicked her out.

the store was pretty chill today, not a lot of customers came in. which just made aly and i get to know each other a little more and to be honest, i would call her my friend at this point.

a customer invited me to a party later today, i'm not sure if i'll go or not. maybe it'll help me get to know more people, who knows? i'll probably just go for a distraction and if i find it a waste of my time, i'll just simply leave.

"hi, welcome to pulchritudinous. if you need any help just shout out for me!" i raised my voice.

"i love you accent!" a female's voice said.

"thanks love." i smiled to myself.

"where are you from?" she asked as she approached me with a oversized, leather jacket in her hands. "i'll take this please." she put her item on the counter and i started checking her out.

"london, just moved here."

"what are you doing here?" she asked.

"the answer to that question, i don't have." i chuckled. i know i've come here to allow myself to live the life i've always wanted, but what am i really doing here? what am i accomplishing from this? i sort of just thought i'd figure everything out once i got here.

"hey, no one knows what they're doing here, so you're just like the rest of us." she smiled, and that was the first time i laid my eyes on her, like really looked at her.

"you have the most beautifully haunting eyes i've ever seen." i blurted out without even thinking.

"no one has ever said such pretty words while complementing me." she widened her eyes, while trying to copy my accent. "your accent could literally romanticize anything, i love it."

"thanks." i smiled at her.

"your hair color is sick as fuck, where'd you get it done?" she asked. "i used to dye my hair all the time, been through many colors, i don't even know what my natural hair color is at this point. obviously i settled on black." she explained.

"if i told you, you wouldn't believe me." i shook my head as i handed her the bag with the receipt inside.

"oh come on, now i'm curious." she took the bag from the counter.

"have a good night." i smiled at her. i wasn't trying to be rude, it's just closing time and i try not to lie about stupid things, plus i have a party to get ready for.

"you too." the smile melted off her face and she walked out. i walked right behind her, locked the door and put the "closed" sign out.

it's not that i didn't feel bad, i did feel bad. i'm not a horrible human being, i just can't risk telling strangers shit like this, that may eventually help expose me. she might become a regular customer, i might be in trouble. there's just too many possibilities that go into this.

it's hard to trust the universe after what it's done to me.

i kept overthinking the whole time was completing the expected procedure to close the store. once i was finally done, i shut the lights and locked the door behind me.

something i learned about living in new york, is that it's very unexpected and very not safe. do i have a gun strapped to my thigh? yes. can i use it at any given time? no. do i have my karate skills with me at hand? yes. but do i think it enough? no. that's why i walk with my taser with me at all times.

if i had to count the amount of times i've been catcalled since i've got here, i'll be counting till next year. this just shuts them up and saves me a headache.


"ahhhh! violet you came!" the girl i met yelled as soon as she spotted me.

i've been in this house party for ten minutes now, did some shots with some random people. danced with a male that was very interested in me but then i told him i was a lesbian. i love doing that to men. just gotta be careful though, could get violent. then i ended up in the living room where we reunited.

"remy! i just flirted with a straight man, then broke the news to him that i'm gay. i just loved seeing his face fall." i laughed.

"you're a lesbian!" she excitedly said as she fling her arms around my shoulder.

"yeah i am." i held her arms to balance the both of us.

"me too!" the smile on her face got wider. "i am soooo drunk right now, my girlfriend lost her feelings for me. i don't give a duck i can bag so many bitches, i don't need her. you know what? im going to go feed ducks somewhere. do you want to come? where do ducks live?"

i didn't come here to babysit, i came here to get my mind off things. i am certainly not going to put up with her bullshit, so i just lead her upstairs, found an empty room, laid her down there on a bed, closed the door and let her sleep soundly. i did make sure to find her friends and tell them where she was before partying again.

i didn't want to get too wasted just yet so i just settled on dancing alone near the dj. "hey!" a curly haired brunette said.

"hey." i replied.

"you're beautiful, i couldn't stop my eyes from following you around. seriously they were glued to you." she raised her voice a little in order for me to be able to hear her clearly. "i'm max, one of remy's friends."

"violet." i smiled. "is remy okay? i didn't know what to do, but i certainly couldn't let her drink anymore."

"oh yeah, she gonna be fine. her partner broke up with her not very long ago and she's kinda going through it. you don't really know from the outside." max shrugged.

"okay good, i left like such an ass." i sighed in relief.

"are you single?"

"yeah i am, you?"

"wanna kiss?" she asked. it took me a moment to realize what she was saying but once it registered into my head, i nodded. that's when her lips came full force crashing onto mine, i seriously think that i might just have a bruise from that.

her lips were chapped a little and i don't know if it was because she was tipsy or what, but her tongue was doing way too much, i seriously thought i might choke on it. it wasn't bad, i've had worse, but it's not that good either. "wanna take this upstairs?" she held one of my hands.

"are you drunk?" i frowned my brows.

"tipsy not drunk, i am fully aware of what's happening violet." she winked when saying my name. i didn't react to that cause i was thinking it over, it would hurt anyone if i had some fun right?

"let's go."

we many have opened doors we weren't supposed to open, but then we finally found an empty room. the same one i left remy in. as soon as we closed and locked the door, she pinned me onto the wall, but before she could do anything, the roles where reversed and i pinned her.

"i'm a top." she breathed out.

"no you're not hon, trust me."

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