FOURTY - TWO: new work

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both billie and i went back to work today, after taking a quite needed break. we agreed on me dropping her off at work and picking her up later in the afternoon. right now i'm helping aly open the shop. just half an hour ago i was at the police station re claiming my gun.

"is it with you right now?" aaliyah asked.

"yeah." i nodded.

"why do you have it?" she asked.

"to keep me and everyone around me safe." i replied.

"do you really believe that having a gun with you twenty four seven is gonna keep you safe? don't you think it might just be turned on you in some cases, or you might forget the safety?" she questioned.

"this is the most i can do for my situation, and i've had it for months now. always by my side, not once have i used it, monday was the first time and i sure hope that it's the last time. either way, it saved us and you know it. so before you judge me, remember that." i said.

"don't you think you should've at least told me about it? you literally had a gun in my store for months! and i had no fucking idea! don't you think i had the right to know?" she raised her voice. "it's not just that. you have it with you, all the fucking time? are you stupid?"

"it'd be stupid to not have it all the damn time." i mumbled. "look i get why you're mad, i'd be pissed if i was in your situation too."

"yet there you are calm and shit." she huffed. "the fuck do you think you are? james bond? you could've died the other day and you're acting like it's a normal fucking thing to go through? violet. do you realize you actually told a criminal with a gun that you wanted to die?"

"i was stalling for time." i rolled my eyes.

"uh uh, you don't roll your eyes at me." she scolded. "you think you actions don't have consequences, that they don't effect others, but they do."

"i get that you didn't have anyone there for you for a long time and it was just you for a long time, but that does not give you the right to not think about others when you do this type of shit. i care about you, billie cares about you, we care if you fucking live or die! did you think about that when you decided to be a hero?" she yelled.

"no." i mumbled.

"exactly. don't do that shit again." she huffed and looked the other way, continuing with her work. "we need to find a solution for that gun." she said. "i won't let you roam around my shop armed like that."

"then i'm putting in my two weeks notice." i replied.

"i'm convinced that you have a tumor in your head that controls your decisions." she banged on the counter she was working on. "what are you going to do? huh? after you leave here, whats your plan?"

"i'll start selling my artwork and do custom paintings for clients." i replied.

"and don't you think you'll need to get on your feet first, then quit your job that actually gives you stability?" she questioned.

"i have enough money in my savings account, and i believe in myself." i replied. "i'm not going anywhere without this gun strapped onto me."

"does billie know about the gun?" she asked.

"yeah she does." i replied.

"and she's okay with it?" she raised a brow, surprised.

"she's not happy about it, we had our fights but in the end i still got to walk around new york with it." i shrugged.

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