epilogue : 1

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"don't burn yourself! mama will kill me." i slapped hali's hand to prevent her form further chaos as she was reaching for the hot pan.

"is hot?" she asked, batting her lashes.

"yes baby, it's hot. i told you not to touch it." i answered, reaching for the spatula to flip the pancake, while still keeping an eye on hali.

"sowy." she had to remove her pacifier to say that. she can not live with out that germ collecting thing. billie and i have tried many many tricks to get her to stop sucking that thing but she's too stubborn.

"it's okay love, we just have to be careful, right." i cupped her little chin and kissed her head. "okay, can you go get me the syrup from the fridge?"

"mhm." she stepped off her little stool carefully before opening the fridge and giving me the syrup i asked for.

"thank you honey." i said before placing it on the tray that contains billie's breakfast.

"we come." she answered.

"come on let's go upstairs and wake mama up." i told her and we both headed up and into billie and i's bedroom. hali carefully opened the door and walked up to her mama, she kissed her all over her face lightly until she woke up.

"g'morning." billie raspy morning voice said. "what are you doing here baby?" billie kissed hali's cheek.

"bake fast!" hali pointed at me.

"good morning love." i smiled as i set up the bed table thing that we've been using way too much lately. i then kissed my wife just like i do every morning, with morning breath and everything. i don't give a shit and she's learned not to give a shit too.

"you didn't have to do this." she smiled, sitting up, looking at the tray of food in front of her.

"oh yes i did, you're growing a baby. you have to eat enough." i replied.

a couple years back billie had baby fever and i'll admit that i had a worser case of that same condition. our plan was always to have billie get pregnant first and then me, but at the time she was focusing on her career and being pregnant wasn't very convenient. so i offered to go first and that's how hali came to be.

"baby girl or boy?" asked hali as she placed her head on billie's growing bump.

"we don't know yet." billie answered her, brushing through her messy hair. it hasn't been combed yet and we haven't gotten ready for the day yet. looks like we're going to have a chill day anyways.

"girl." hali simply said.

"i guess we're having another girl then." billie chuckled. one thing about hali is if she predicts something, it's always true. she was the one that told us billie was pregnant in the first place.

"what are you waiting for nutter? your breakfast is getting cold." i made a bite for her myself and fed it to her.

"me!" hali asked for a bite and i fed her next. "punkin!" she pointed at the very old pumpkin, who just made her way into the room. hali and pumpkin have a love hate relationship, hali loves pumpkin too much. pumpkin doesn't like hali cause she's supper rough with her and annoys her when she's comfy, but pumpkin has never scratched hali or growled to scare her. it's like she understands that hail doesn't mean harm, such a good girl.

"hali, be gentle with pumpkin." i told her as she kneeled down to grab hug the cat.

"poor pumpkin." billie smiled looking at hali rock pumpkin left and right.

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