THIRTY - SIX: my word

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new years is coming up in two days. violet? still haven't seen her, it's been four days. she's no longer MIA on messages though. she tried texting me yesterday night but was trying to be cold cause what the fuck. i know she knows that she can't just disappear on me like that, maybe something is actually going on that she doesn't want me to know about. like personally? but that's not a fucking excuse.

someone rang the door bell, i took a look through the door hole thingy and no one was there. i opened the door and there was a bouquet on the floor. i picked it up and realized there was a card, "i'm sorry + the ones you have died."

i really want to throw them out the window. maybe some couple will be walking by and think the flower petals falling on them are romantic. then one of them gets hit in the head and take a trip to the ER.

not a minute later my phone pinged and, surprise surprise! it's her.

violet <3

will you kill me if i came over?


i'm coming over

no you're not
i don't want to see you

hide all the knifes
n all sharp objects


i'm five minutes away

not opening the door

i have a key

of course i wanted her to come over, but i didn't want to admit that to her.

five minutes later just like she promised, she was here. didn't even bother to knock, just unlocked the door with her key and let herself in. i was on my phone acting like she wasn't even there.

"i'm aware that what i did was wrong. i am not going to give you excuses you don't want to hear. i had something i needed to take care of and i had to leave for a couple of days." she started, i didn't say a word. "billie, don't be like that. look at me." she sighed. that accent is not fair.

"you couldn't just shoot me a text and give me a heads up?" i put my phone down and looked at her, this time she didn't answer. "exactly."

"you can't just disappear on me like that and come back four days later telling me sorry." i shook my head.

"i know." she sighed.

"i know you know, so why did you do it?"

"i don't know." she shook her head. "i wish i had a reason i could tell you, believe me, but i don't and i'm so sorry."

"i know that a wednesday went by i didn't even talk to you, i swear on my life that i'll make it up to you somehow." she continued. "and i'm aware that i owe you taco bell too."

"it's never ever gonna happen again, you have my word. cross over my heart, pinky promise, i swear on it, spit and handshake."

"you're forgetting one more thing." i said.

"no." she shook her head, immediately knowing what i meant by that.

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