FIFTY - TWO: truth reveals itself

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"indra do you think it a good idea to add eyeliner or just keep it simple with the eyeshadow?" i asked indra who was getting getting ready right next to me by the bathroom sink.

"eyeliner definitely." she answered.

"okay." i took a deep breath, preparing myself mentally for a wing and manifesting sisters and not distant cousins. i added the liquid liner onto my look and once i felt pretty satisfied with my eyes i moved on to lips. i put on some aquaphor and a little lip stain and i was all done.

i slipped on my dress and let indra help me zip it up. she saw that i did well my eyeliner so she asked me to do her's, which i actually also did a good job at. i moved in the jewelry, which mainly consisted of pearls. i touched up my hair and makeup one last time before i put on my heels and helped indra with whatever she needed cause we were late and i can't be late.

"madame o'connell?" the driver asked.

"yes that's me." i nodded "and indra is here."

"see i'm already in your shadow, you're going to end up just fine." she tried to boost my confidence. "you got this, if not, then just go to the food section."

"honestly the best thing about this place is the food." i confessed. "and why the fuck didn't i bring a coat to wear before the party?"

"cause you're stupid."

"thank you, i really am." i nodded and looked out the window.

"billie do you really want to be even more late that you are? eliza called and said she needed you." indra snapped me out of my trance. "get out!" she rushed me.

"okay okay." i got out of the car and the security checked for our names in the list then let us in. "now what?" i asked.

"i talk to some people i don't like and you go find eliza." she answered.

"got it." i nodded and took off. i was walking around for what felt like ten whole fucking minutes before i spotted her, talking to what looked like a really important person. so i just stood beside her without disturbing their conversation.

"ah you also do everything with a minion right beside you! i get a new one every other day, none of them seem to get what their job is actually supposed to be." the middle aged man spotted me before eliza did.

"oh no i can live without an assistant, she's actually here to learn not to do things for me twenty four seven. i just needed to have a word with her." eliza explained.

"sorry to disturb your conversation." i awkwardly smiled.

"sure you are." he said.

"it's fine honey." eliza assured me with a whisper. "i need you to be with me when we're at the speech—."

"eliza, i need you to meet riel here." adler caught her attention and she forgot all about me.

it took me another ten minutes to find indra. "hey to you know when the speech is gonna be? eliza needs me with her when it takes place, for some reason."

"it's scheduled to be at eight, but they're usually pushed fifteen to thirty minutes, it depends." indra answered and went back into her conversation.

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