Chapter 3

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When a wolf dies, the pack feels its loss. Its like dropping something you didn't know you were holding, you don't feel them until they're gone. Wars and other disputes were all put aside for the ball, there was no killing. The moment my attacker fell lifeless to the ground, guards, alphas, and his fellow pack members rushed outside, led here by his scent.

My father was one of the first to reach me. I was sitting against the wall quietly staring at the man's dead body, trying to form a thought but coming up with nothing. Only one thing was registering, and that was the knowledge that my mate was the son of the man who had my mother killed. He was dangerous, cruel, and heartless. How was this fair?

My dad helped me to my feet and pulled me into a hug.

"Celia, what on earth happened?" He said, panic lacing his voice.

"I had an attack, and then he.. he pushed me against the wall and was threatening me.. but then.. He saved me.." I said, whispering the last part.

"Who saved you?" He asked.

"I did." A new voice added. I looked up, once again meeting the eyes of Luca Michaels. His eyes were a light blue, they complimented him perfectly, with his dark hair that looked a neat, styled, kind of messy. It was hard keeping his intimidating eye contact, but at the same time, it was hard to look away. I couldn't help but be drawn to him.

My heart broke when I noticed there was no emotion in his eyes. He looked at me for a moment, as if I were just another random girl. He turned away from me to look at my father.

"I don't believe we've met. Alpha Luca Michaels, of Silver Claw." He said, extending his hand to shake my fathers.

"You don't remember your father attacking our pack, killing my mate, and our Luna?" My dad asked, shaking with anger and his casual introduction.

"Ah, but thats in the past. No need for hard feelings over that now. Now if you don't mind, I believe I will be leaving." Alpha Michaels said, emotionless. Every word he spoke was like a knife. Listening to him talk about the murder of my mom like it was just some little thing we needed to just "let go of" was enough to bring tears to my eyes.

"Well then what are you waiting for? Leave." My dad replied bitterly.

"Just one more thing, I won't be leaving without her." He said shifting his eyes to meet mine.

My dad looked between the two of us for a moment before he realized why the alpha would not leave without me. "No.." My dads voice sounded broken.

"No." This time it was more firm. "I don't care what you think she is to you, there must be some mistake. She's not yours and she's not going anywhere with you." He said narrowing his eyes at Alpha Michaels.

Michaels growled at my father taking a step forward, my father returned it.

"Dad, I'll go." I said quickly, grabbing his arm. His attention snapped to me and he looked at me as though I'd lost my mind; perhaps I had.

"No, you won't." He replied.

"Its not your choice. You don't know that he's going to be like his father. Give him a chance. please." I said quietly, hoping only he could hear me. I was so scared, but there was one thing I promised myself I would never let fear take from me, and that was my mate. Even if his father was terrible, that didn't mean he was the same. I had to give him a chance.

"Your asking me to let you leave with the son of the man who took my mate, your mother, away from us. How can I let you do that?" He asked me.

"I just need you to trust me. I was put with him for a reason. Mom wouldn't want me to spend my life alone based on a quick judgment of someone I've never met. But if I'm not happy, I promise, I'll come straight home. " I replied, hugging him.

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