Chapter 21

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"What are you talking about? Thats not possible." She said, her voice beginning to shake. Nick took her hand into his, holding it tight with concern in his eyes as he looked at Belle's fearful face. "Luca please tell me thats not true." She said as her eyes filled with tears. 

"I'm sorry, Belle." He said. "We haven't known for long, but he's sent rogues to spy on us, one even attacked Celia." He said, his voice full of emotion as he glanced at me. 

"Why is he doing this?" She asked Luca sadly. 

Luca looked to me, silently asking me if it was ok to tell her. My Nature Gift was special, it allowed me to be more in touch with animals, people, and well, nature, than others with the Nature Gift. Looking into Belle's eyes I felt a sense of calm. That was a good feeling, it meant she has a good heart, and her intensions were true. If I would have felt nervous when looking at her, I wouldn't allow Luca to tell her, but from what I could tell, we could trust her. 

I gave Luca a small smile and a nod, and he continued. 

"Celia is special." He told Belle. "She has the Gift of Nature, but its not like your's and mine. Hers can create life, but also take it. She can influence nature much more than you or I. Calvin wants to use her to take over other packs." 

Belle looked at me, shocked. "How is that possible?" She asked. "Can you show me?" 

"Um.." I answered looking around, nervous about revealing my Gift in front of so many people. "Sure.." I said, my eyes landing on a vase of flowers placed in the middle of the dining room table. 

"Come on." I said, plucking a flower out of the vase and heading for the backyard. 

"Celia, I don't know about this.. What if they're watching?" Luca asked. 

"Its not like its a secret to them, Calvin knows, why wouldn't they? Plus, the border was checked 5 minutes ago." I said as I walked to the front of our small group. 

I looked at the flower in my hand. It was a small daisy. It'd been in the vase for a while now, and was getting a little droopy. 

"Ok, here we go." I whispered to myself. 

The daisy laid  in the palm of my open hand, and I held it out for everyone to see. It slowly began to change, the petals that were once white grew and turned blood red, it quickly transformed into a rose,   and I listened to everyone gasp. 

"You can do better than that, can't you?" Belle asked smirking at me. 

I returned the smirk and took a step back. I'd never really got to let go and have a little fun with my Gift, and now was my chance. 

The rose burst out of my hand, vines shooting up towards the sky and down deep into the ground.The vines tangled together in the air, twisting until they began to form into solid branches. I took a step back and watched, smiling, as a huge oak tree appeared before our eyes. 

"Hows that?" I asked, joining them as they stared, eyes wide, at the monstrous tree that hadn't existed five minutes prior. 

"Wow.." Alice whispered. 

I laughed turning to see Luca's reaction. He was already staring, his eyes full of pride. I blushed and quickly looked away, trying to hide the smile on my face. 

I started to make my way back towards the house when I noticed I was the only one. I looked at the others, who were still staring the tree. "Guys, come on." I laughed, breaking them out of their trance. 

"That was so freaking cool, Celia." Belle said, catching up to me. "I wish I could do that." She frowned. "I'd just start turning the grass into different types of fruits. Gosh that would be amazing, I'd never be hungry every again." She sighed throwing her hands in the air dramatically. I laughed, I could already tell me and Alice were going to get along very well with her. 

It was around 6 o'clock, and even though I'd slept late, I was still feeling extremely exhausted from all that had happened yesterday. I was shocked to feel the pain returning to my head, thinking I should have healed by now, even with it taking longer than normal. 

"Hey Alice." I said quietly, making sure no one else heard me. "Wheres the migraine medicine?" I asked her. Her eyes widened. "You're still hurting?" She said before I quickly covered her mouth. "Hush! I don't want to worry anyone." I said as I ran my hand through my hair. "But yeah, its still hurting. I honestly think it might be getting a little worse." I sighed. 

"Celia you should really go see Dr. Bailey." Alice said with concern, taking the medicine out of the cabinet. 

"If it isn't better by morning I'll go." I smiled, taking the medicine and a glass of water. I took the pills and left the kitchen, walking towards the couch where everyone sat watching a movie. 

Suddenly it was as if the world began moving in slow motion. My head felt as if it were exploding, and my glass slipped from my hand, falling for what seemed like forever before shattering into a million pieces on the hard wood floor. 

Before I knew it I was lying on my back looking up, and the last thing I saw before my vision went black was Luca's terrified eyes staring into mine. I was terrified, but not for myself. The look in Luca's eyes made it clear to me, if I died, so would any hope he may have left. 

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